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Alumni Weekend Photos

Here are just a few of the photographs taken during Alumni Weekend 2010.

Alumni Weekend

63            Number of classes represented
44            Number of states represented
13            Number of countries represented
110          Number of events held during the weekend
14            Number of golf carts driven by students over the weekend
1,400+     Alumni Weekend attendees
Old friends reconnected, and new friends were made at Alumni Weekend 2010. Alumni [...]

Alumni College Abroad

Join Associate Professor of Religion Steven Hopkins as he returns to India to lead our exclusive Swarthmore Alumni College Abroad adventure from Feb. 27 to March 16, 2011. Explore the diversity of one of the world’s most populous democracies and one of the fastest-growing economies. Our two-week, air-inclusive program features visits to Delhi, the bustling [...]

Alumni Affinity Groups

By Susan Morrison ’81 and Lisa Lee ’81, with H.G. Chissell ’96, Nina Paynter ’97 and Robert Steelman ’92

Because members of the Alumni Council consistently rate the time spent engaging with students as among their most enjoyable when they meet on campus for two weekends each year, the Council’s Student Support Working Group aims to create interesting opportunities for engagement with the students. This spring, they organized four activities based on “affinity”—a new [...]

Alumni Council Welcomes New Members

The Alumni Council welcomes the following new members
Deborah How ’89
Brian Hwang ’05
David Jenemann ’93
Jaky Joseph ’06
Donald McMinn ’86
Robert Oye ’73
Christina Hull Paxson ’82
Rosita Sarnoff ’64
Horatiu Stefan ’01
Katharine Sturm-Ramirez ’94
Elizabeth Thoenen ’83
Kristin Bergstrom Vessey ’61
Rachel Weinberger ’80
Patrick Zweidler-McKay ’89