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Spotlight on … Dave ’62 and Alice Handsaker Kidder ’63

Dave ’62 and Alice Handsaker Kidder ’63 recently reinstituted their version of Host Homes for the Homeless in their Boston-area home. The program addresses the problem of not enough beds to shelter homeless women.

What do you love most about what you do?

Volunteerism gives us a way of answering with positive actions, to offset the outrage we feel about what is going on to ignore the poor in this country.

How has Swarthmore shaped your life?

We are indebted to Swarthmore for opening our eyes to poverty conditions, when we participated in the Chester Project. Our academic training led to our ability to research for answers, and in small ways to affect public policy during our working days.

What advice would you give current Swarthmoreans hoping to follow in your path?

There are rewards to meeting people of different income brackets, and building coalitions to serve. We so much enjoy the friends we have made along the way.

Anything else you’d like to say?

We would love to connect with others interested in our housing project. Please write us at