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Terese Loeb Kreuzer ’64

box_loeb_kreuzer_terese.jpgTerese Loeb Kreuzer’s [’64], reporting on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act and its passage by Congress in December 2010 after eight years of struggle, has won Downtown Express, a weekly Manhattan newspaper, an award for political coverage from the New York Press Association. One of the judges said: “I was struck by the deep reporting that went into both the human-interest and procedural coverage of the Zadroga bill. I felt like I was on the bus with the activists who went to DC to lobby for its passage.” Founder of the Travel Arts Syndicate, Kreuzer previously thought of herself primarily as a travel writer—not a political reporter—but said, “I found that my travel writing experience helped me to convey the anxiety, weariness, determination and, finally, the euphoria that gave life to the Zadroga story.” Kreuzer continues to write travel articles and to publish photographs in newspapers, magazines, and books around the world. She is co-author of the book How to Move to Canada: A Primer for Americans (2006).

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