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Joan Moffitt Larkin ’60


Joan Moffitt Larkin ’60 has received Publishing Triangle’s 2008 Audre Lorde Award for Lesbian Poetry for her book My Body: New and Selected Poems. The Los Angeles Times called Larkin’s work “poetry without pity, in which despair leads not to degradation but to a kind of grace.” She has also won the Lambda Award for Cold River and the anthology Gay and Lesbian Poetry in Our Time. In the 1970s, she co-founded the independent press Out & Out Books. Larkin has taught for four decades at institutions such as Brooklyn and Sarah Lawrence colleges and has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the New York Foundation for the Arts. Her other published work includes Housework, A Long Sound, Sor Juana’s Love Poems, and A Woman Like That. After briefly living in Florida, Larkin has returned to “the stimulating North” and joined the M.F.A. poetry faculty at Drew University.

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