Your search for name has returned 100 entries

given name of Kezer or Geser - an epic hero which came to tuvan shaman folklore from buddhist mythology, literally - Chopper or Killer of devils and demons

noun phrase Ачыты Кезер-Мерген (Кезер-Хайыракан, Кезер-Чингис Богда-Хаан, Кезер, Гесер)

given name of surreal creature which looks like a dwarf

noun Бадакшаан

God teacher (name for surreal creature of the highest rank)

noun phrase Бурган башкы

name of a supreme god (lireally sky)

proper name Дээр

a version of the proper name of Kezer deity

proper name Кезер-Чингис

respectful name of Kezer deity

proper name Кезер-хайыракан

proper name of the main lord of the upper levels of the universe)

proper name Курбус, Курбусту, Курбустуг

respectful name of the lord of the upper worlds

proper name Курбусту-хайыракан

name of the main god (literally universe-world)

proper name Оран-Делегей

name of a fantastic bird

proper name Хан Гэрди

name of the master of the middle world (literally earth-water)

proper name Чер-Суг

the real name of Erlik-khaan

proper name Шожаа

metaphorical name of the middle world (literally Ezhen’s country)

noun phrase Эжен чурту

mythological name of the lord of the middle undersky world

proper name Эжен-хаан

mystical name of the lord of the under worlds which is more characteristic to Buddhist traditions

proper name Эрик-ловуң хаан

name of the master of the under world

proper name Эрлик

titular name of the lord of the under worlds

proper name Эрлик-хаан

disapproving name of a dog (literally - a dog bringning the devil)

noun аза-четкен

divine moon (respectful name of the moon (literally - the moon-divine)

noun phrase ай-хайыракан

white thing (metaphorical name of sacrificial fabric strip)

noun phrase ак чүве

collective name of devils (evil spirits)

noun phrase албыс-диирең

collective name of devils (evil spirits)

noun phrase албыс-шулбус

young (youngster) (a name for shaman child and descendant)


noun аныяк

shaman’s drum (metaphorical name) (literally - a horse which never stops)

noun phrase арбас-турбас аът

tambourine (metaphorical name) (literally - a horse which never stops)

noun phrase арбас-турбас аът

shaman (allegorical name, literally - having clean bones)

noun phrase арыг сөөктүг

God teacher (name for surreal creature of the highest rank)

noun phrase ачылыг башкы

methaphorical name of a shaman’s drum (literally - humorous or funny smth)

noun phrase баштак шилги

bull-shaman (name of a strong shaman)

noun phrase буга-хам

bull fetish (name of the shaman fetish)

noun phrase бугая чаяан

allegorical name of the middle world, literally - branchy)

noun будутктуг

methaphorical name of a shaman’s drum (literally - grey elk)

noun phrase булан ой

allegorical name of the upper world, literally - cloudy)

noun булуттуг

respectful name of god (literally - god the king)

noun бурган-хаан

collective name of god, faith and religion

noun phrase бурган-чүдээн

the name for a shaman-ancestor (literally - my aunt)

noun даай-авам

the name of shaman-ancestor (literally - my uncle)

noun даайым

the name for one of the levels of the sky, the upper world (literally - war sky)

noun phrase дайын дээр

version of the name of a shaman costume

noun phrase дериг-ыдык

methaphorical name of the middle world

noun дораат

methaphorical name for a shaman

noun дүңгүрлүг

methaphorical name of a shaman’s drum

noun phrase дөнен шилги

allegorical name for a shaman (literally - a man who sees both worlds)

noun phrase ийи корнүр (көөр) кижи

metaphorical name of a devil

noun phrase кайбың-куу

metaphorical name of a tambourine

noun phrase калдар аастыг сарыглыг

the version name of the middle world

noun каптагай

allegorical name of a shaman (literally - a person who sees what other people can’t see)

noun phrase караң көрнүр кижи

allegorical name of a human being in animals’ perception

noun каңгывай, коңгувай

methaphorical name of the under world (literally - under land)

noun phrase куду чер

name of one of shaman worlds

noun куугай

a version of the name for a shaman (literally - person who sees everything)

noun phrase көөр кижи

collective name of the universe in Tuvan cosmology

noun phrase оран-делегей

a version of the name of the middle world, where the Tuvans live

noun phrase оран-таңды

a methaphorical (euphemistic) name for a shaman (literally "with the drum-beater")

noun, adj орбалыг

1. name of one of a kind of shaman fetish, 2. methaphorical name of surreal creatures

noun сагыызын

name of a shaman hat

noun phrase салбак бөөрт

dissmissive and degrading name for a shaman (literally - shagrag)

noun, adj самдар

dialect name of a spirit-master of a location

noun саптак (ээ), сатпак

name of a shaman hat (literally yeallow hat)

noun phrase сарыг бөөрт

name of a shaman hat

noun phrase саңнааш бөөрт

variant of metaphorical name of a shaman ( literally believer)

noun adj сүзүктүг

figurative name of a ritual clothes

noun phrase торгу тон

1. nine heavens, 2. name of Tuvan shamans’ society

[tos deer] n. тос дээр

variant of a name for shaman-first ancestor

noun phrase түмен хам

allegorical name of a person (human being), who lives in the middle world

noun удуску

family name, surname

[familija] n. фамилия

name, family

[familija] n. фамилия

name of a kind of shaman sky

noun phrase хаан дээр

varioan of the name of a shamanist (neologism)

noun хамчы

metaphorical name of a drum

noun phrase хангыр шилги

poetical name of a shaman (literally - leader, the head)

noun хартаачы

metaphorical name of a drum

noun phrase хей аът

name of a kind of shaman’s fetish

noun phrase хек чаяан

dialect name of a shaman’s drum

noun хеңгирек, хенгирик

dismissivly derogatory name of a shaman (literally - unhappy, poor thing)

noun хугбай

figurative name of ritual clothes

noun хүрүме

dialectic name of changgaa (necked or carpal amulet)

noun цанга

name for a kind of shaman sky

noun phrase чагар дээр

poetical name of one of shaman worlds

name adj чадараан

collective name for the universe or the middle world

noun phrase чамбы-дип

variant of the name of shaman fetish

noun чаяан

variant of the name of shaman sky (literally good sky)

noun phrase чаяан дээр

name of a kind of surreal creature

noun, noun phrase челбеген, чылбыга, чылбыга моос (чылбыга-моос), шырылба

name of a curreal creature of the lowest category

noun чеък (чек), чээк

name of a surreal female creature, lie a Baba-Yaga in Russian fairytales

noun phrase чылбыга-кадай

figurative name of the middle world (literally light earth)

noun phrase чырык чер

name of a shaman hat (literally hat with feathers)

noun phrase чүглүг бөөрт

name of a mystical country

noun шамбала, шамбыла

variant for the name of a mystical country

noun phrase шамбыла ораны, шамбалаяң ораны

allegorical name of a shaman used by Mongolian Tuvans (literally the craftsman)

noun phrase шевер кижи

figurative name of ritual clothes

noun phrase шиник хеп

name of a kind of shaman fetish

noun phrase шывар-даяк

name of shaman amulet

noun эвегелчин

the first and ancestral shaman, variant of the name of shaman-first ancestor

noun phrase эге хам

name of a type of shaman hat (literally a hat with eagle feathers)

noun phrase эзир чүглүг бөөрт

usage of the name of Erlik in nominal meaning to determine the devils

noun эрликтер

figurative name of a ritual clothes

noun phrase ээрен ала

figurative name of a ritual clothes

noun phrase ээрен куяк

figurative name of a ritual clothes

noun phrase ээрен шокар чакпа

name of shaman amulet, fetish

noun phrase өскүс ээрен