of the Kremlin's official policy. In an effort to combat religious practices among Jews, the leadership of the Jewish Autonomous Region held a series of lectures designed to undercut the appeal of Jewish Religion.

This notice from the 1930s was posted throughout the region and listed a series of lectures and other events that were held in factories and workers' clubs at Passover time. The lectures covered such topics as the incompatibility of socialism and religion. The programs also targeted women, who were seen as the bulwark of religious belief and practices in the Jewish family.
Lecture by Comrade Rabinovich on "The Struggle Against Religion, The Struggle for Socialism" and film for the factory workers at the "First of May" Club on April 11.
Lecture by Comrade Raitman on "The Class Nature of Passover" and amateur concert for all children of school ages at the "Detail" Club on April 12.
Lecture by Comrade Kazakevich on "The Woman in the Front Ranks of Militant Atheists" and film for the Anti-Religious Conference of Women on April 13.
stalin's forgotten zion