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Page Types


Example Pages

Page Templates

  • Standard Subpage - is the primary template used across the entire Swarthmnore site.
    • Homepage - uses the same Standard Subpage template. The only difference is that it has some additional built-in functionality based on its specialized role including support for three different primary image layouts (single image, two images, full width image) and the contact block which appears on all sub-pages. The homepage can only be created by the webteam. Once it has been created, it can be managed like any other subpage.
  • Standard News - uses the same Standard Subpage template. It is used for the publishing of news stories to NEWS FEED panes located throughout the CMS. The Standard News template includes several additional fields specifically setup for news and syndication including: author, post-date, abstract, thumbnail, related news story, and taxonomy classifications. The taxonomy and syndication controls are managed by Communications. It is possible to setup internal news syndication for departments wishing to support their own news feed. Example News StoryThe news templates are intended for use only by Communications and those departments who wish to support their own news channel.
    • Featured News - is nearly identical to Standard News with the only difference being that it has full span image across the top of the article and slightly different page layout. Example Featured News
    • External News (Link) - a specialized news template used exclusively to include external (non-Drupal) news into a NEWS FEED pane. 
  • Profiles - profiles are automatically created in the system for every faculty and staff member that has been provisioned by HR. By default, all profiles are set as private. Profiles are primarily used by faculty, but staff can also choose to enable their profiles. Most of the data in a person's profile (name, email, phone, office location, etc) comes from Banner/mySwat  system. Drupal lets to manage those fields that are not in Banner, including: your preferred photo, interests, related links, and profile content.  Examples: Economics, Theater, Academic Success
  • Campus Tour - a specialized template used exclusively for the Explore Swarthmore website. It is NOT available for use in other sites.