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From our experiment we have ascertained that FGF10 is responsible for signaling of the branching morphogenesis in

embryonic chick lungs, specifically the formation of lung buds. In the first experiment the lungs grew normally in the control

because FGF10 was naturally occurring, while the inhibited lungs did not form the additional buds that they should have formed.

In the second experiment, the control group did not extend any new buds from the lungs to the plain heparin beads that were

present because FGF10 was not present to induce them. While the chick lungs that were in contact with the FGF10 loaded

heparin beads formed new lung buds in association to the position of the bead placements because the diffusion of FGF10 to the

lung epithelium caused induction of the new lung buds.

In future experiments, the study of other organisms could be done to see if they use the same signaling pathways.

Specifically, the branching morphogenesis of cold-blooded organisms could be studied. Also, future experiments could be

performed on flying avian.

© Cebra-Thomas, 2001

Last Modified: 31 May 2001

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