Quakers and Native Americans

Joshua Sharpless' Journal [Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent], 1797: Electronic Version

Joshua Sharpless Journal or Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent, 1797


[Page 1]

On the 12th day of the 10th Mo 1797 after
an humbling time with my dear Wife
and Children, I left home in order to
Join a Committee of our last Yearly
Meeting appointed the to Visit some friend
in upper Canada and parts adjacent,
my Dear Wife bearing me company
as far as my soninlaw Benjamin
’s, I went that Evening to Na[?]
then Sharples’s where by agreement
I met with Jacob Lindley and James
two of the aforementioned Com-

13th a pleasent Morning the Wind South-
-erly, dined at John Scarlets in the
forest 20 miles, pased over a rough
hilly country up the waters of the Brandy-
-wine, much of the Land thin tho che-
-quered with some good plantations
pretty well improved, pased through
the East end of Little Connestoga Valley
a fruitful spot, the hills about the forest
very steep, and in places covered with
stones, from scarlet’s to Schuylkill 5 miles[?]
[Page 2] continued very rough, thence up the
Schuylkill to Reading 4 miles, the town is situ
-ated on a low piece of Ground near
the sd river, surrounded with high hills
the place is by no means elegant. nei-
-ther did the town look thriving or
lively, from thence to Pennose Wiley’s
goes, over near Maiden Creek where we
lodged, over a pretty fruitful Coun-
-try and beautiful road 9 miles.

14 and 1st of the week a Northwest Wind and plesant day,
attended Maiden creek Meeting, who
which upon the whole was a refresh-
-ing time, Dined at John Starrs[?] near
the Meetinghouse, having me last
Evening with Oliver Paseton, and
this Morning with James Lang
two friends of our Number
making up now five in all, after
a comfortable Opportunity at John
, we off towards Munsy
in about three Miles, upon a con-
-siderable eminence, we had a
bold and noble view of the Blue
Mountain at about 8 miles distance.
[Page 3] with an elegant Valley between, the
View was truly beautiful and pic-
-terisque as far as the Eye could
reach, both to the East and West, and
the Mountain in front raising its
lofty head in a Majestick and de-
-lightful Manner, thence 5 miles to ham-
now Carters[?] a smart town, thence among
the Mountain up the Side of the
Schuylkill where the prospect was
will and romantick and in 5 or 6
miles opened to a fine plantation
on one branch of the Schuylkill
where we took up our quarters in
a good habitation in the possession of
Michal Mosyer the road for the most
part pretty good.

16 Started by brake of day, a clear
white-frosty-morning, 7 miles
of good road, come to the second
Blue Mountain, passed through
a gap where a small branch of
the Schuylkill has it course, the gap
in places was narrow, and the
[Page 4] on each side very steep and
high, covered with a thick crust
of Stones, thence in some 2 or 3 miles
crossed the Tuscarora Mountain,
on the North Side of which there is
an amazing prospect, a very
great Valley in front extending
from east to West as far as the Eye
could reach, about 2 or three miles
off over said Valley there was a
lofty towring Mountain, or one
Mountain upon the top of a-
-nother whose proud crest tops reach-
-ed the Sky, the appearance was
truly Magestick and Bold, and
so diversifyed with many enliv-
-ening coulours that the pros-
-pect was picturesque and beau-
-tiful, we then passed the [?]
Mountain which was very high,
next the Broad Montain which
was inferior to none, then
[Page 5] we came to the Mahony Moun-
-tain, the prospect from the
Northside of which was much
like that of Tuskorora, tho the abiss
or Valley was deeper and more di
rectly down beneath our feet, per
haps 400 feet, the next Mountain
was called the little Mountain
tho thought to be higher then any
of the rest, the Assent and decent
from those mountains are not very steep
tho couvered with large and
small stone, the road from
thence to Catewisseeis most of
it very rough, lodged at John Loyds
40 miles, the Land from Hamburgh
to this place is chiefly Mountanious,
Poor, and Stony, and very little set-
-tled, there are a number of Settleme
-ments about in Roring[?] Creek Valley
yet the face of Ground, appears thin
Stony, and not desirable.

[Page 6]

17 Crossed Susquehanna at Catewissee in the
boat, the River 80 pearches[?] wide,
the Land from the River to fishing
Creek is more desirable than on the
Catewisee side, it is pretty clear of
Stones, and mostly such as will do
to settle on, and in some places,
particularly toward Fishing Creek
is considerably improved, Dined
at Jessee Hains’s 15 miles, the tim-
-ber for 7 or 8 miles after we crossed
the River, is mostly Pine, thinly scat-
-tered with very little undertimber,
about Fishing Creek very heavy
timber, from Jessee Haines’s on
towards Munsy generally White
Oak, for 6 or 7 miles the Land leavel
and pretty good with a number
of good improvement, from thence
to the Muncy Creak Creek Mountainous, and
poor, the Muncy Valley is pretty good
Land, Lodged at William Ellises
[Page 7] three Miles over Muncy Creek, 33
Miles this day, this days travel pretty
good Roads and clear of Stones

18 a fine morning, and pleasant day
for traveling, stoped, and took an ear-
-ly Dinner at the Widdow Harreses* at
⟨*On Roasted and Baked Venison, persons having killed[?] 3 the day before and 20 this fall⟩
Loyalsock 9 miles, thence up the Banks
of Susquehanna to Lycomun 6 miles,
then we turned a North Coarse of up the sd.
Lycomun 10 miles to Skylers[?], among the
Mountains, where we Lodged, the Road
from William Ellis’s to Lycomun, is thr[?]
Level, clear of Stones, and very good, the
timber a Mixture of White Oak, Pitchpine,
&c, and the Land in general very good.
Up the Lycomun the road to this place
crossed the Creek 7 times, the bottom we
went up Deep and furtile, with some a
few Cabbins & a little improved in places
the valley was narrow with high moun-
-tains on each side, this bottom was
very heavy timbred abundance of
lofty White pine, butternut, button
Wood, Sugar Maple &c.

[Page 8]

19 Set of[f] Just at breck of day, a fine morn-
-ing, fed[?] at the foot of the Laural hill
on the uppermost branch of Lycomun
9 miles the Road deep and Miry up
a Branch of the Lycomun, which we
crossed upwards of 20 times, I have
had this morning to admire the produc-
-tions of nature the remarkable Lofty towring
pines, the Hemlock, spruce, Sugar
Maple, and a Variaty of other Lofty
timber, no man to recieve and carry
them it of so that they fall into their Mother
lap, the earth, and the multitudes of trunks of
Trees that lye across one another is
truly admiral, many of the White
pine trunks appears to have lain
in that Situation for more than half
a Century, grown over with moss, the
Seeds of the trees falling of on the Moss
have taken Root, grew to be trees 5 or 6
Inches over, while the Log under them
remained, the Valley through which we
passed is narrow with very high moun-
-tains on each they all appear very rich[?]
[Page 9] and Cloathed with an Admirable load
of Timber, so that a person who have has not
been acquainted with such an Appearance
would scarcely be able to form a Just Idea.
We now then mounted, the Laural Hill, which proved
Very high. we first passed through a Ches[t]-
- nut Ridge about 2m then entred a
Vast Forrest of Hemloch, Spruce &c
so thick that tho a clear day yet it ap-
-peared like the Dusk of the Even-
-ing, we presently in a few miles
came unto passed through a very great Quantity
of Sugar Maple, many of them from
2 to 3 or 3½ feet over 40, 50, and 60
feet fit for Sawing, also a vast Quanty
of beach and Berch, fed at the
Blockhouse 9 miles on a Branch
of Pine Creek, from thence to
a Branch of Tyoag River where
we [?] 10 miles thence to Lambs
on the side of sd. River 15 miles
[Page 10] the timber continuing Very so
heavy all the way, great over[?]
grow Hemlacks, many of which whom would
make 5 or 6000 feet of Boards
and great Burdens of White
pine in place many of Whose where
100 feet high without Limbs, the
curiosity through this days tra-
-vel in beholding the timber, and
face of the ground was such, that
I could scarcely keep mine Eyes
from runing too and frow in
beholding the Wonders of nature,
many places the Trunks of Trees
were laying across one another 3 or four feet high so that it ap-
-peared impossible to ride through
the Woods, this day has been fatague
-ing both to Man and Beast, the Roads
were chief mostly very miry particular
[Page 11] ly in places very stony, [?] full of Roots
particularly the first 27 miles, night
overtook us before we got into [?]
and the Road being covered with thick
Pines it was very dark, so that we
were truly thankful when we saw
the glimmers of Light at our dis-
-tined part made their appearance, tho we found it a very
Poor Tavern, having little nothing but Mush
and Milk the Mush made of meal for
Pounded in a Mortar, and the fare of
our Horses not much better yet we were
thankful we fared so well in the Wilderness
having this day in the Course of 43 miles
passed by but three cottages and them mean,

6th day 20 met with a trial this morning
two of our horses having broke out of our
poor Stable, but in three Miles rid-
-ing they were taken and brought
back, a Cold frosty morning and
like for snow, but grew warmer
and rained a little in the evening
this has been a pleasant days travel
the road led down by the side of
[Page 12] of the Tyago River through a very
furtile Vally with a few Cabbins and
some little improvements for the first
twelve Miles, the River, we Crossed
frequently crossed as the Road suit-
-ed, the it glaides along in a Most be
beautiful manner, not impeaded
by Rocks, or Cataracks, we finally
crossed it about one two miles above the
Widow Lindsly’s, and in less than
one Mile we crossed nearly another
Branch as beautiful and nearly as
large called the [?] as the former and got our Breakfast we then stoped
& fed our selves and horses at the Wi-
-dows, and were much pleased with
our repast, having had nothing
since we Left the Widow Harresses
besides what our bags afforded except
two indiffirent suppers, here we
got Excellent green Tea, and Loaf
Sugar, with Some choice Venision
Stakes, taken out of a famous fat
Buck which had been just killed not yet could
[Page 13] since killed to this stage 12 miles.
We still went down sd River, over
very fine fat bottoms, in about 8
miles crossed Cannosto[?] a very beau
tiful strem stream, then in 4 miles
more we crossed Conhocton as beau
tifull a stream as another any of
the former, the smallest of those stream†s[?]
are nearly as large⟨r⟩ as than Brandywine
Stoped to feed at the painted Post 12 miles
but but had nothing Suitable, thence
to Mud Creek to John Dolso[?]’s where
we Lodged 12 miles the Road has been
in the main pretty good, to the paint
-ed post
very good.

21 Stoped and took breakfast at
William Kerseys 5 miles, he had nei
ther Hay, Corn, or Oates for our horses Lives in
a small Log house in the Woods by
a Curious Lake, of about 50 acres it
is surrounded by a hard gravelly bank,
has no Stream that runs either in⟨to⟩ it
or out, continues nearly the same
fulness of all Seasons, and abound[s]
with various kinds of Fish, went to
Bath [?] miles there fed our horses 2 mile[?]
[Page 14] within two miles of this Town seve-
-ral Large and elegant Buildings made
their appearance, which after passing
through more than 100 miles of Wil/-
-derness where there were but a few
stragling Cabbons to be seen, where
enlivenings, the town of Bath stands on
a low piece of Ground near on the
North Side of Conhocton Creek consisting of
about 60 dwellings some of which are
no discredit to the place, here we fed
our Horses 6 miles, the Road from mud
Creek runs pretty much under the
South side of a Mountain is in places
Stony, and other places very Miry
the and Land thin at Bath we council
enquired of with some knowing men which
way we had better take for the best
to go to Niagara haveing it in
prospect to go through Williams-
it being out nearest Rout,
but they informed us there was only
a small Indian path that way and
that we had better go by the way of
[Page 15] Canadarque and at that the directest
road there, was so Miry that we had
better go by Jemima Wilkinson’s
settlement, which was so far round
that our minds became closely
exercised to know what was best
to do, but upon closely attending
to the subject, and taking the
that part of our appointment of
Visiting those of our society about Can
and parts & parts adjacent into view are
felt most easy to turn our Course
towards what is called Jemima's the friends
settlement, tho it was much about,
it was a solitary road, there being
but a few settlements , and those two or three
expected, were within four Miles of
Bath the rest of the way an entire
Wilderness, the Land for a few Miles
from Bath was a high dry soil and thin the
Timber Chiefly pitch pine the soil
thence through a low fat Bottom
very swampy, thence over the North end of
Mountain’ beautifully Timbered, not very
[Page 16] stony but excellent Wheat Land, to Sanfords
15 miles, where we got Hay, and very indif.
-firent Oates in the sheaf, thence along the
East side of the Crooked Lake ever a level
Country, and for the most part good
Land, for miles togather, a deep Rich
Soil abounding with Sugar Maple,
Shelbark Hickory, Ash, Elm, White Oak
&c: mostly a White Oak Timber the Last
20 Miles, a few White Pine in pplaces,
to Thomas Lees a kind friendly Family
16 miles, this has been a hard days, tra-
-vel for our Horses, and there fare very poor,
there was no place to Quarter, short
of where we arrived, that we were [?]
Obliged to travel hard, this has been
a dark Cloudy day tho not much rain

1st day of the week 22nd a rainy Morning &
drisley day, in conference this Morning
it was thought best, not to travel
till afternoon, and as there was no
friends Meeting in these parts, we felt
an Opening to sit down with the
family in which we were, with [?] such
[Page 17] of the neighbors who were free to
come, there being but a few within
reach, the Opportunity was sensibly
owned, the Lords Heavely Power
Overshadowing to our Comfort &
the Contrition and humbling of
most that were present were we parted
with them in much nearness, went to one
Potters Judge Potters who kindly
took us in, he lives in a very
Elegant House Building which after riding
5 or 6 Miles without seeing scarcely a house:
to see such a Supurb one rising
in the Woods begot admiration.

2nd day 23 a pleasant Morning, set of[f]
for Canadarque, the road mostly through
the Woods, and in places deep, stoped an[d]
fed at Gilberts 8 miles, in 5 miles farther
we came on the bank of Canadarque
Lake, which was enlivening, and look
ed beautiful thence up the side of the Lake
to the place where it ran out of its outlet which stream
was as Large as a pretty Creek Clever Creek
[Page 18] thence up a beautiful ascending stre†[ch]
about a mile stands to Canadarque thou[gh]
[?] it contains a Number of well built Houses perhaps so some
of us [?] elegant, and supurb, here we fed ⟨10 mil†[es?]⟩
upon confering together we thought
best of going to see some of our mem
bers hereaway upon and enquiring of our
Landlord he informed us of one or one more
who Lived at Mud Creek about 10 or 12 miles[?]
off, we then turned our faces that way
and in about 9 m [?] traveling
we stoped at a certain Job Howlings
to enquire the way, he told us it was
to far to reach that evening and a kind-
-ly invited us to stay all night, which we
accepted of, found his Wife a Member and very kind
we had a sitting with them that even-
ing, the Land from Thomas Lees to
Canadarque is in some places very
rich strong land in other places thin,
much of the way is Low flat Country Land
to wet for Wheat, but little pine for
20 m past the mostly heavy timbered.
From Canadarque to this place very
Deep, rich Land, for the most part, the
[Page 19] Very flat and wet, the greater body
Timber chiefly Elm, breech, & Sugar maple
27 miles.

3d 24, in conferrence this Morning it open-
-ed with greatest clearness to appoint a Meeting
to be held next day at Nathan Herringdan’s a
Friendly Man about 11 miles from thence, we
then went to Nathan Cornstalk’s, 5 miles sat with
his family, his Wife a Member; thence to Abraham
’s 2 miles had a refreshing Oppertunity
with his family Lodged there, 7 miles

4 day 25 attended the Meeting at Herringdan’s
9 miles tho it was not a time of reigning, yet an
instructive Opportunity, Dined with the fami-
-ly where the meeting was held, Lodged at Jeremiah
over Mud Creek, his Wife a Member
he was one of the first settlers in these parts,
his Cabin remains Covered with bark, the
logs of his house are Chunked but not plastered
I we had pretty good Beds, otherwise I thought
the Openness of the House was a prepa-
-ration to our Lying in the woods, which we
expect shortly to [?] encounter the Land in these parts
mostly flat, a deep rich soil, so that the roads
are mostly wet and heavy, the chief body of
the Timber is Poplar, some of them the
finest I ever saw, Ash, Beech, and Sugar Maple
9 miles

[Page 20]

5th day the 26 attended an appointed Meeting
at Nathan Cornstalks, 2miles, it was a Solid
favoured Opportunity, at the Close of which
we desired that those in religious pro-
-fession with and those who had their
minds turned towards friends would
keep their seats, to whom Council and
instruction was administered, the num
-bers who staid was not perhaps 40, one
half of whom were not in membership
but divers of them appeared a ten
-der seeking people, went in the
Evening to Jacob Smith’s on Mud Creek
6 miles here we had a religious Op-
-portunity with his and his Brother
Joseph Smith’s family this Closed our
religious services in these parts

6th day 27 set of for Niagara, fed at Thayers[?]
16 miles got to the River 8 miles here we
expected to have been supplyed with Oates
to take carry us to Buffaloe [?] 80 miles but could neither get Corn or Oates, we
then went back about one mile and
with difficulty got one corn, we had
[Page 21] intended to have stayed all night
at the River, but finding there was a house
8 miles on our way & at that it was at least
80 miles to buffalow Creek, we thought best
to try to get there, but the Prospect was very
discouraging, as it was like to be a dark
Rainy Evening and the sun not above an
hour high when we got over the river,
yet we set off and their proving several
Roads in the Course of [?] 2 miles we took
a wrong one and after 2 miles traveling
upon enquiry found we were wrong, and then had 7 miles
[?] to our intended Quarters point a good house
was a little to the left but upon trying
could not get Quarters there, it was now near
dusk, a dark Rainy evening and 7 miles
of a small path in a unknown Woods
to traverse, we had a little Moon in our favour
yet in about 5 miles it grew so
dark that we frequently missed our path
and we had but little prospect of getting
to our port, the thoughts of having to
get by the side of a tree and hold our
horses in the rain without fire until
day Break was trying, yet through mer-
-cy we got safe in to our Quarters but there was
neither hay nor father fore fodder for our
[Page 22] horses we let them out to pick a little grass[?] while
then tyed them up till Morning, the hay
afforded no provision for ourselves,
the Land from Job Howlings around throu[gh]
the the settlement of friends is deep, Rich,
black Soil, mostly pretty level, inclinable
to be wet, the Surfice of the ground very
uneven, by trees being blown up from
time immemorial, the timber pretty
Large and very thick, chiefly Poplar, Ash,
Sugar Maple, Elm, Shelbark Hickory and
some White Oak, from Jacob Smiths to the
River about 2 or 3 miles in our first seting
off excepted, mostly matly[?] on open Country
very little timber either great or small,
the Land for the most part a sandy loam, an[d]
the Country pretty thick settled

7th day 28th to up very early and set off as soon
as we could see the path, in hopes of a pretty
pleasant day, the sun made its appearance
about 9 or 10 yet it presently hid its face and the
Clouds grew thick so that and the Close wood we
were in was looked like evening, & presently the snow
⟨it⟩ began to snow fall, and in a few hours the
Limbs, and young timber became so Loaded
[Page 23] ⟨so⟩ that it was difficult getting along, over
the Woods continuing remarkably thick
of under stuff, and abundances of wind fall Timber that it was a trying day
to ride, for near 20 miles of our road was
through a Beech and Sugar Maple Land, which
is mostly deep rich soil, and wet, much
of the way was very swampy, so that be-
-tween the snow and the Mud, we were
in a wet dirty condition, and the pros-
-pect of siting down when Night came, upon
the Snow without Shelter looked very try-
-ing, yet we went on pretty Chearful, tak-
-ing a bit of Victuals in our hands wet
and could as we were, while our horses
eat their Corn out of pieces of Bark
that Lay in places by our path, when
Evening came we espyed a Large Rock,
near the Road, which projected 6 or 7
feet over at one side and the Back part
sufficiently secured from the Storm,
have upon viewing it we concluded to take
up our Quarters some of us went to gather-
-ing Wood, which was wet and Snowy, but
to our great disappointment, after we
had got our time so forward of the blaize
through an accident by an accident it was
[Page 24] it scattered went out, and having but little for
punk we were not able to renew it.
here we were in the midst of a desso-
-late Wilderness, wet and could, without
fire, without Shelter or Beding, more
than what a Rock afforded, yet we com-
-forted our selves in being so happy as to find
so good a Shelter, we felt as much for our
Horses, as for ourselves, the Woods afford
-ed but little provision, and that was cover-
-ed with Snow, so that after giving them
some Corn, we tyed them up till Morning
and Changing some of our Wet Clothes, we
endeavoured to take some rest, and
tho it was Cold, we Lodged more com-
-fortable than could be expected, slept
pretty well, took little or no cold, and
set our Journey chearfully next Morn-
-ing   36 miles

1st day 29, it snowed a little all night, and
continued this Morning yet by 8 or 9
O Clock the Sun, to our great Joy, made
its appearance, and our road for the
most part good, we pursued our Journey
[Page 25] with Livelyness and by 3 O Clock arived
at Buffaloe Creek in full view of Lake
Erie 36 Miles.—--- after we Crossed the
Genesee River the first 10 miles, mostly an
open plain, the timber for the next 8 or 10
miles increased, it being pretty much
Oak, Shelbark Hickory, some beech, and
Sugar Maple, the next 20 or more miles
a Very thick Wood mostly Beech, and
Sugar Maple with some Beautiful White
Oaks, and Poplars, from thence to the
Lake is in the general an open Country
for 15 or more miles very little timber
either great or small, the Cuntry is ve-
-ry level the whole 80 miles a few hills
excepted about some waters Creeks, there
being 4 or 5 Creeks in this last 80 m
nearly as large as Brandy wine, the
fording place of some of them was
one entire smothe Rock nearly as
level as an house floor, so that the water
did not vary in depth more than 2 or 3 Inches
for side to side and fell within two yards †
[an entire line is cut off the bottom of the page]

[Page 26]

2nd day 30 set of early to cross the Niagara
went 100 or more Pearches down the Buf
-faloe, a beautiful stream to its Confluence
with the Lake which Lake afforded had a Majestick
appearance, the breakers roling on the
Shore like those that More of the Atlantick.
we rode down the Beach 3 or 4 miles
to the Narrows of the Niagara, there
were was neither Boat nor House on the
Side we were, but by waiting an hour
or more, the Boat came, which took
three of us, and by ten we all got safe
over, it is a bold rapid stream half
a Mile over were we Crossed, & about 16 feet deep and it appeared dangerous and we
were informed that a few hours of
high Westerly Winds would blow the
the Water off the Lake so to the end
where the River essued, that
it would raise it immeadiately 4 or 6
feet, tho not altered perceptable in its depth by Rains we rode down the shore upon
[Page 27] The Canada side several Miles, a plea
-sant ride being beautifyed with the River
on one hand and good improvements on
the other, and in some 3 or 4 miles we left
this delightful Prospect to encounter a mis-
-erable swampy road, with some firm
stony Land, and in 8 or 10 miles arrived
at Asa Schuylies one of our friends which
was truly satisfactory to us all, being
weary, dirty, and wanted recruitive
⟨our coming was unexpected to our friends yet truly
acceptable and we were received
with open hearts⟩
14 miles

3rd day the 31 sat at John Cutlers Gilberts who appeared[?]
to be an Innocent examplary friend, has
5 children at Home three of whom are nearly
grown up and are hopeful, and three
are from home who are in their Mino-
-rity, he has latterly buried his Wife &
he is a member of Buckingham Monthly
we have since met with one of
his sons who was from home, he is an
apprentice to a friend, and is an hope-
-full young friend Man
thence sat at to John Herits neither him
nor his Wife are in Membership, they
are thoughtful persons, and profess no other
[Page 28] Then sat at Daniel Pounds, him he and
his Wife are examplary friends and have
nine seven pretty Inocent Children who are
all small, him he and his Wife were dis
-owned by Plainfield Monthly Meeting
they appear to be in a tender thought
-ful condition and are desirous to
make up with friends, and have sent acknowledgments by us none of their Child
-ren have a right
we then sat at Joel Morrises, he
has never had a right among friend
but we think he is hopeful and in a
thoughtful tender state, his wife was
disowned by Shrewsberry Rahway Monthly Meeting
they have 4 small children
is in a tender thoughtful State, woman here we
met with Abraham Lane a Single Man
and a Member, and who may do Well, he
is a Member of Shrewsbury Monthly Meeting
Sat at Asa Schuylies him he and his Wife
are examplary friends, and, Members
of KingWood Monthly Meeting, they have
several hopeful Children but none of them
have a right of membership, Lodged here

[Page 29]

4th day 11th Mo 1st Sat with Joseph Havens, him he
and his Wife appear to be steady examplery
Friends, they have two Children grown
to Manhood, who are hopeful, the Son
Married John Hills Daughter as near to the
common Practice of Friends as circumstances
would permit, he lives home with his
Father and they are an hopeful Couple
our next Oppertunity was at Joseph Marsh
-es, his Wife never had a right amongst friends
but is a tender, Open, Inocent Woman, and a
real friend in Principle, Joseph was disown
-ed by Plainfield Monthly Meeting for Marri-
-ing, he is desirous to condemm his out-
-going and we hope from a right concern
the have seven pretty Innocent Children
the Oldest not ten
we sat at Abraham Webster’s who with his
Wife are Members of Kingwood Monthly
, they have eight seven Children who are
in membership, they who they appear Innocent
and hopefull
then sat at Adam Burrell’s neither him he
nor his Wife ever had a right among frien
friends, they attend Meetings, and are look
-ing toward friends, and appear hopeful
[Page 30] the have nine Children, Several Vierging[?]
on towards young women who have the
Stamp of Innocency on their Countenan-
-ces, were very much tendred, and parted
with near affection, ---- Our horses
being tired, and the Roads in these parts
flat and Swampy, we went on foot yes-
-terday and today, traveled about 20
Miles, and Lodged at Asa Schuylies, who
bore us company to the families we
have visited, lodged at Asa Schoolys

5th day 2nd of the mo Attended a Meeting that
we appointed to be held at Asa Schoolys
the friends & friendly People generally attend
-ing, it was pretty Large, it was an Open
time, and Gospel truths were delivered
from good Authority, and Some time was
spent in endeavoring to strenghen and
Assist them in in bringing things into
order, and in the holding of their Meet-
-ings to the reputation of our profession
many of them parted with us in near
affection, being much Contrited
[Page 31] went in the afternoon up the Northwest
side of Lake Erie to Obediah Denniss’s
who lay very low, him he and his Wife are
members of Kingwood Monthly Meeting
with their five Children who are under
15, we had a beautiful ride about four
Miles on the Beech up the Side of the Lake, the
Sand near the Water is very Hard and
Smoothe and is an excallent road, and what to me appeared very
curious was the ellevations that were
frequent along the side of the Lake, some
of them 40 or 50 feet high 10 or more pearch
-es broad covered with Timber, and yet
we were informed they were perfect sand
hills blown out of the Lake, which upon
inspection appeared to be realy the case
Lodged at Daniel Pounds 10 miles

6th day third a warm smoky Morning
and so thick an Air for several days
past that the sun scarcely made it appear
-ance, went to Asa Schoolies 2 ½ miles, hav-
-ing visited the families of Friends, and
such who profess with us in those parts we
set of to see the four families down the
[Page 32] in a Northward direction from hence
in about 8 miles we came to the great
River Niagara, thence went down it
close on its Banks about 16 miles, the
Ride was delightful, having the beau
-tiful stream on our right, which glid-
-ed Smoothly along, a good Road un
-der our feet, and mostly improved
and checkquered on our Left with
pretty good improvements dwellings, in about
12 miles we crossed a Large Stream called
Chippaway a number of good improv-
-ments are planted near its mouth, a
little below the mouth of this Water the
River begins to hasten its pace, and
in about 1 mile it became considerably
Rapid, the road kept nearly on a level
but the bed of the River gradually
decended until it became very Roman
-tick so that I have no words to ex-
-press its grand, and Majestick appear
-ance, its boldness, its rapidity, its
dashing, and flying appearance, so that
[Page 33] Its dashing that it appeared looked was all in a
foam flying in places twenty or more
feet high, looking as as white as a sheet
and all this, and ten times as much
more before we came to the grand
and perpendicular falls Catarack, the day be-
-ing very Smoky, and a little rainy we
had not so full a view of the great falls
as we desired, on proposing if the day suited to
spend a little more time when we re-
-turned, as near as I could compute,
this very wild, romantick, and
foming condition of the river it began
about ¾ of a Mile above to the great preci-
-pice, we left the River and in about two
miles and got to William Lundy’s
who was once a Member of Kingwood month
-ly Meeting
but for many years past, disowned, his
Wife and Children never had a right, we
were friendly entertained, but there is bu[t]
little [?] prospect in sd. family of any
Strength to the society arising therefro[m]

25 Miles

7th of the week a rainy morning, went
to Jeremiah Moore’s 3 ½ miles, who
were much Joyed in th seeing us
[Page 34] him he and his Wife are concerned
examplary friends from Sadsbury Monthly Meeting, they have at
home seven Innocent affectionate
Children. --
then sat at Benjamin Hills, 5 miles he is
a Member of Buckingham Mo.ly Meeting
and his Wife of Sadsbury Monthly Meet-
, they are young, and I hope maybe
usefull friends, they have four small Children
Went to John Hills, 1 mile were
we lodged him he and his Wife are
members of Buckingham Monthly
they have two Children at
home, members, ---- the Land
from William Lundy’s to Jeremiah
’s is a high, dry, Sandy loam,
mostly improved, from thence to this
place for 2 or 3 miles the same sort
but thinly Timbered, the remainder
flat, heavy Timbred and appeared
[Page 35] kindly for 3 miles a White Oak Timber the most
beautiful, both for Quantity and Quality
that I have seen since I left home.

1st day the 5th a wet stormy Morning and
increased with the day, snowed in the
afternoon, attended an appointed meeting at John Hills
with the few friends in this Neighbourhood
it was a solid instructive Opportunity,
Heavenly goodness was near, and the
meeting closed, to general Satisfaction, we
had a tendering time in the afternoon
in Conference with them concerning
their situation in which I hope they gained
some strength, they have not as yet
been in the practice of hold any mee[t]
-ings for Worship, they being but few
in number and very scattered but
we felt our minds Strengthened t[o?]
encouraged them to press throu†[gh]
difficulties and meet together to
wait upon and Worship the Lor[d]
Almighty, believing it would add[?]
to their strength and would if
[Page 36] rightly performed, be of a good
Savour in the neighborhood

2nd of the week the 6, a frosty Morning and Snow
-ed the latter part of the day, set of to see
friends at the Short Hills, stoped and sat
at John Darlin’s 6 miles, his Wife was
disowned by the falls Monthly meeting
and her Husband never had a right,
they were kind, but not much professed
of their ading strength to friends, ⟨they have 6 Children⟩
then sat at Joshua Gillam’s 5 miles he was
Disowned by Middletowon Monthly meet
for marrying, his Wife a Member of Sadsbury Monthly Meeting
they have three small Children, Joshua[?]
is thoughtful about his situation and
desirous to be united to friends which
we encouraged, we also here met with
Thomas Gillam he was disowned by
Middletown Monthly Meeting, his wife
never had a right
[Page 37] then sat at Thomas Rice’s, [?]he was
brought up among friends but has
no right, his Wife was disowned by
Buckingham Monthly Meeting, they are
examplary, and I hope thoughtfull, and
have eight Children mostly small
thence to John Taylors, ½ a mile he was dis-
owned by the Falls Monthly Meeting
his Wife and two hopefull Children
are members of Sadsbury Monthly
, she appears to be a Motherly
concerned friend—
the face of the Country from John Hills
mostly flat and miry till within one
mile of John Darlins, then commences
the Short Hills which produces remark-
-ably steep pitches we then pased over
2 or more Miles of the most beautiful
Chesnut Timber I remember to have
ever seen, the Woods had been lately
burned to clear the leaves out of the way
of gathering the Chesnuts, they we saw them laying very
[Page 38] thick on the ground as we rode along
their Pigs are not allowed to run in the
Woods at this season for fear of the
Bears and Wolves, we then for se-
-veral miles passed the effects through the
effects of the greatest Hio[?]rican mine
Eyes ever beheld, it was a very
heavy Timbered Land about ¾
of it the timber was torn up by the Roots, the
other ¼ broke of by the Middle, the
Prospect was truly awfull, and and tremendious.
the last five miles hilly though not stony. the land good.
We are now got among the White
Pines, not having seen many for
the last 30 miles

3 of the week and 7 sat at Samuel Taylors
he was disowned by Sadbury Monthly
and his Wife by Kingwood do[?].
they appear pretty hopefull, and sent
acknowledgements with us to their seve-
-ral Monthly Meeting to Condemn their
out goings, they have 4 small children
[Page 39] thence back to an appointed Meeting at
John Taylors, it was an open favoured
Thence to Jacob Moore’s 2 miles he Married
his first-Cousin and they were was disowned
by Sadsbury, his wife never was a Member they have two small Children
intending to have sat at Soloman Moore
who lives Just by but neither him he nor
his Wife were at home, he also mar-
-ried his first Cousin and they hestands dis-
owned, they have three small Children
this have been a Cold unpleasant day
began to snow about 10 O Clock and con
-tinued till Evening, the prospect look
-ed discouraging to be near 500 miles from
home 300 of which was through what may
be called a Wilderness the road small
that not much used, yet it felt a good
degree of resignation — Lodged at
Enoch Snigley’s 1 mile he has not never had a full a right
right, the friendly his wife was disowned by Bucking
, they are friendly people and have
six Children the Oldest perhaps 18 20
[Page 40] Some of our Company went to James Craw-
’s who is a friendly Man, his Wife
was disowned by Richland Monthly Meet
they have five small Children and She
She is an examplery thoughtful Woman, have the
sent an Acknowledgement by us to the
Meeting she was testifyed against to
condemm her out goings.

5th day the 8 a pleasant day, the snow
nearly gone by evening, the Roads very
wet, about six miles deep and heavy
like the breaking up of the frost, stop-
-ed at John Hills and got dinner, &
Lodged at Jeremiah Moores, 12 miles

5th day the 9th a pleasant day, walked
1 ½ miles to Thomas Mercer’s, a person
who came out of Jacob Lindley’s
neighborhood about one year ago
they were much pleased with
our Company, and gave us a Breakfast
exceeding any we met with in
Canada, having excellent Green
[Page 41] Tea and Loaf Sugar, Bread eaqual
to any made in Chester County &c
We then went to the River Niagara ⟨½⟩ a mile
to View a remarkable whirlpoole about 3 miles below the great Catarack
the River was not more than 20 pearches
wide both above and below sd. poole the depth unknown
and it runs in a romantick and ra-
-pid condition, the banks on each side perhaps 1000 feet high got our horses shod
this Morning, Dined at Jeremiah
, attended an appointed meet
-ing held in an house near the great
falls, built by the neighbors in ge-
-neral for any who Choose to hold a
meeting in it, it was a Quiet well
conducted Meeting, and Gospell Truths
delivered with good Authority, the
meeting was held chiefly for those of other so-
-cieties Lodged at Willam Lundyes 4 m

6th day the 9th [sic] a Cold Frosty night, cloudy mor
morning and like for now, set off for Black
, stoped to View the great falls, the wind
Southeast blew the fog or mist that arose from
the fall of the water over us which fell in[?] small[?]
[Page 42] Rain so that it made it very unpleasant
and the bank, or hill down to the Table
Rock where we intended to have decended
was so Sleeted over with Ice that which proceeded that was produced
from the damp of the falls that it appear
-ed unsafe to go down, we had a pretty
fair prospect where we stood, being per-
-haps 50 feet above the water higher than where the great
pitch of the falls decended,
it is hard
to discribe the appearance and motion
of the water it came down with great
rapidity to where it projected off, tho
we were informed that the sheet
was not the same thickness but appeared
in places was 16 feet thick
in places to be 16 or more feet, I could
⟨not⟩ see the place bottom of the sheet by reason
of the fog or mist that arose from the great fall of water, the we were informed that
one part of the pitch was within six is 4 or 5 pearches
feet father up the stream than it was
nine years ago and appears to be
gradually wearing, stoped at the Widow
who has an extraordinary Mer-
-chant and Saw Mill on the rapids about
80 pearches above the great falls, the
race is 80 pearches long taken out of the
[Page 43] great River, and has in that distance
ten feet Head and Fall, it is truly an
awful sight to View the River from the
Mill door, now Leaving this Wonderfull
Phinonamy Phinonima, we had a cold
ride up the River, and got to Asa School
where we Lodged 21 miles—

we have now Visited all the families,
or nearly so, of friends or such as once
had a right, had four Meetings amongst
them, feel easy to set our Faces homeward
but how we shall get along must be left
as it has been tret threttening all day
for snow, and this evening it is fall-
-ing very fast

we found residing at Black Creek pretty
compact, tho two families were about 4 or 5
miles from the rest, 7 families, who were in
Membership with friends, and appeared
pretty orderly, with a number of hopeful
Children divers nearly or fully grown up
making the Whole 33 persons, and
five families who profess with friends
[Page 44] and are pretty hopefull, some of whom
have sent acknowledgments by us to the
Meeting that disowned them, they have a
number of tender Inocent Children, the
whole number of both Parents and Child-
-ren are thirty eight many of them if
they keep their places will add strength
to the little handful of friends in that place,
we found at the Short Hills and in that
neighbourhood five families of Friends
who live at present pretty wide per-
haps 12 or more miles tho some of them have it in prospect to move nearer together for the Benefit of society, making in the whole
twenty seven persons, and eight fami-
-lies of such who have mostly been dis-
-owned, several of whom are desirous
to Condemn their outgoings, and have
sent acknowledgments along with us,
and I hope will make useful members.
The Parents and Children of this Class
make 53 persons and who live pretty
compact, the way the road now goes
makes it near 40 miles from the short
to the settlements of friends at
Black Creek, but there is reason
[Page 45] to expect that before long there will
be a road opened between these places
not which will containing be more than 14 or 15

7th of the week 11th a rainy Morning not
more Snow fell last night than about
two inches deep, wrote a number of
Letters to some friends in this neighbour-
-hood, and feeling our minds easy to
return, we made preparations to pass
homewards, the had not the season been
so far advanced we would have been
easy to have stayed a few days longer,
about 11 OClock we left our tender friends
at Black Creek with Hearts full of
Gratitude that we had been amongst
them, and some of them bore us Compa-
-ny as far as the River, where we ar-
-rived about ½ after two OClock, havin[g]
rode about 8 miles down the Beech
on lake Erie, we were [?]ise in num-
-ber, and the Wind blowing high and
[Page 46] the River Rough, we were Obliged
to go two at a time, which took
near three hours to get over, and
it Raining hard made it disagree-
-able, and we were truly thankful
when we got safe on our own shore Lodged
at Buffoaloe 15 miles

1st day of the Week 12th, we lay last Evening
next the Roof, and their falling much
Rain, it was so plainly heard, that the
difficulty of passing through the Genesee
where there are a number of large
Creeks, without bridges, and no house to
stop at provided we could not Cross,
presented with all its discouragements,
which led into an enquiry whether we
had too much hurried out of Canada
and upon the most strict enquiry exa-
-mination, nothing remained painful
as an Omission, but it would have been
more easy to most of our Minds
[Page 47] if we had stayed over first day, feering
our leaving them 7th day and next day this little meeting coming on
least it should administer some discou-
-ragement to the few friends there
however resignation was our best expe-
-dient, and when Morning came, the
rain still continuing very heavy, we
can thought it most safe, and felt most
easy to remain in our Quarters, about
noon the rain abated, the wet a little till

2nd day the 13 rose early this morning to pur-
-sue our Journey, still Cloudy, from the best
information we could get, were in hopes
the Waters, except Tawnywanty, would be
fordable, but in about four Miles travel-
-ing we were disappointed, for we came
upon a very rapid Stream, which upon
examining, we believed not safe to Cross
and to 18 hours since the rain abated
it appeared still to be rater rising, this
was a fresh trial, but patience was our
best expedient, for if we had ventured
and got safe over this stream, there was ano-
[Page 48] another much larger 6 or 7 miles ahead
we therefore, upon holding a Council, agreed as
the most safe expedient to return to our
[?] Quarters, and wait until tomorrow
Our Landlords house stands on a pleasant
elevated spot having a rich, furtile Meadow
in front, enlivened by the Buffaloe to its Con-
-fluence with Lake Erie, the stream is perhaps
Large⟨r⟩ than of Brandywine, and the Lake its
self opens in full view as far as the Eye can reach, when
the Wind is high in the West, it so raises
the Water in this end of the Lake, that it
flows up the Buffaloe like a flood tide
our accomodation here has been pretty
good, except our Lodging, which was a
narrow frame scarely room for two to
lay on their Back, with Boards instead of
Sackingbottom with and a very thin Strawbed
yet Oliver Paxton and myself has Occupy-
-ed it three nights pretty comfortably and
expect to try it the fourth, it is in an
upper Chambers next the Roof

[Page 49]

3rd day 14, a blustry night, but pretty pleasant
Morning, all in health, and wit an early
start set off cheerfully homewards, came
to the water that turned us back Yesterday
the very rapid Crossed pretty readily, here
Lay a poor family in distress, they came
from Bucks County and were going into
Canada, Rain, and high waters had
detained them several days in this
Wilderness, their Journey had been tedi-
-ous and their Money spent, and what
was more trying their provision was
run out, and no place to supply it un-
-til they got through, they were encamped
by the side of the rapid stream that we
had Just Crossed, we endeavoured to Com
fort them, leting them know they were
nearly through, where there was provi-
-sion to be had, and for an immediate
relief spared them a small Loaf of Bread,
and gave the Children some piece pieces
of Cake, and for their further relief supply gave
them two Dollars, our sympathy and kind-
-ness very much Affected the Poor Woman
and we parted with her in bathed in
[Page 50] Tears, feeling thankful that we had
it in our Power thus far to admini-
-ster relief, we cheerfully proceeded on
our Journey, hoping the large Creek
ahead would be fordable, but on our
arrival our hopes appeared frustrat
-ed, for it was very high and appeard
still to be rising, and it was too wide
to make a Bridge aCross by falling a Tree,
we explored the stream up
and down but discovered no place
more eligiable than the common
fording, and there, tho not much
above belly deep, we believed not
safe to pass, by reason of its great
rapidity, and some 20 or 30 pearches
below a mightily mightiy fall of perhaps 50 or
60 feet, to sit down by it to wait for
the Water to fall, was trying, as and their
was no house nigher than 12 miles
and we had but Just Provision with
[Page 51] us, to carry, without detention, ourselves
and horses to the Genesee River, and to
turn back 12 miles felt unpleasant, how
-ever, thought best to stay till towards
evening to see if their would be any
change in the Water, and in about
3 or 4 hours there came up a Company
of Men who had been out a surveying
they had a number of axes with them
and we went down the streem about
half a Mile, where it was divided into
four branches streams having small Islands
between, and here, tho they water ran surpris
-ingly swift, and the bottom unknown
yet we thought best to try to get over
the Men with Axes fell Trees across
which would reach at these from Island to Islands
and explored the banks and Depth
of the Streams at the Opposite side, we
attempted and through mercy got all
safe over, for which favour we felt
humblingly thankful, we then tra
veled on, making no less a band than
[Page 52] 19 in number and in 10 miles pitch
-ed our Camps on the West east side of a
lively brook, where we could regale
ourselves with water and our bags
supplyed us with Provisions, we
fortunate fortunately in this spot
found a pretty comfortably Indian
Wigwam, being covered with bark
on the top and three sides, the front
being open, here we erected a very
hospitable Fire, and with thankful
Hearts for so good a retreat, enjoyed
a Comfortable Nights repose, and
tho in the Wilderness yet we had
our Neighbours, their being no
less than four Fires within 40 pear
pearches distance to ⟨two⟩ of which were
surrounded by Indians who were on their way to Fort Erie, the
Night was clear and Cold, and we
hoped we should be favoured with
[Page 53] dry Weather till we got into the set-
-tlement 22 miles

4th day the 15 a cold frosty morning and
a little Cloudy, set of very early and
in 5 or 6 miles we had a smart snow
shower, and shortly after another the
wind at North and very Cold, the
Tonewanty we were informed by an
Indian, was by far too deep to be rid
we then thought best to go be the
Indian Village which stood on the
EastWestside of said stream, and was
perhaps 4 miles morefurther, we were in
-formed there waswereabout 150 Indians
in said Village, the have but a few houses
for that number, there were two hew-
-ed log houses pretty neat an tight
& perhaps 40 or50 feet long, andthey were
stowed full, with several other small
huts near by, after some small refresh-
-ment at a dirty Frenchmans house
on the bank of the said river, we proceeded
to Cross, he having a small Canoe
[Page 54] took us over one by one with our bug
baggage, and Cold as it was
we swam our horses through, and in
about 16 miles traveling we came
to an Indian Wigwam, not so good
as we met with last night, yet, tho
we had an hour of Son, we thought
it best ⟨of⟩ to tak⟨ing⟩ up our Quarters, we here
having had a frozen frozen day to
ride and likely to be a very cold snow
snowy night, time was necessary to
provide with wood &c: which we got
Compleated and ready to set down
before to a Comfortable refreshing
fire, before dark, here we passed
a very Cold night, as chearfull and pleasant,
as could be expected, feel
-ing more for our horses, than our
-selves, the Woods afforded little
but Snow and Leaves, we therefore
both last night, and this, after giv-
-ing them some Oates tyed them up
[Page 55] till Morning

5th day the 16, a Cloudy Frozen Morning
tho but little snow fell Last night
we found the Frost added to the dif-
-ficulty of traveling about 25 or more miles of
the road between buffaloe and the
Genesee is through a succession of
deep swamps, and this morning
our our first sitting of[f] we had one several of
those difficulties to encounter this [?] be-
-ing in places between belly and
knee deep, and being Froze over
almost hard enough to bear,
it was exceeding exceed difficult and tryin[g]
to the Horses, fed at Wilbords 14 miles.
There to the Genesee 12 miles Lodged
at Foxes near by, here we got good
entertainment accommodations for
Man and horse which was very gr[?]
ful after so trying a Journey.

the Country from Buffaloe to Genesee
I discribe as of follows from Buffaloe
to tumbling Creek 4 miles mostly [?]
heavy timbered, to Stony Creek 8 miles
[Page 56] mostly plains, thence to a small stre
stream at the east end of the large
plains 10 miles, thence to The Indian
Village at Tonewanty 14 miles abou[t]
½ way plains the remainder heavy
timbered land and some of it a-
-mazingly rich, there are Black
Walnuts about the Tonewanty
four feet over, 50 or more feet
high holding their Thickness clear
of limbs, thence 8 miles to the plains
again through are heavy Timbered
Land in places swampy, some of it
pretty high and very good,
thence over 4 or 5 miles of White Oak plains, thence
to the side of Tonewanty, [?] heavy tim
-bred, deep, and in frequently swampy
land, 6 miles, thence 14 miles through
Land similar to the last discribed,
thence 10 miles to the Ganesee mostly
a barren plains

[Page 57]

6 day the 17 a Cold frozen night, and
a snowy day, this Morning was trying
and discouraging, set of by the way of
Williamsburgh 14 miles through a beautiful
wheat Country, not much under timber
here we got Coffee for breakfast for
the first time since we left Munsy
thence to Danville 17 miles over a very
Beautiful rich country we thought
much of it superior to any we passed
over and very Curiously situated hav
-ing an high steady ridge or Mountain
on our left, and the Connesscragy a
branch of the Genesee on our left and right with
a Beautiful Vale, the high hill and
Vale was like a dunghill, for richness abounding
with very large Walnut, Shellbark
Hickory with a Mixture of White Oak
Ash &c. the whole of the 17 miles abounds
with lively streams rushing with
great rapidity down from the sd.
mountain that every Plantation ma[y]
be sufficiently supplyed with Water and taken of the land with pleasure
lodged at Samuel Faulkners, where
we met with very good accommodations

[Page 58]

7th day the 18 a Cold frozen Morning
but we were Cleaned with a Clear
sun the most of the day, which we
esteemed a favour, having but few
such days for near three Weeks, there
are two Roads from this place to
Bath, one flat, much of the way down the
Waters of the Cohocton tho and is very
deep and Miry, and scarcly at this
time passable, the other called the
Mountain Road, and was rightly
denominated, we thought it would
be better to encounter the Mountains
than the Mud, but truly such a Road
I never rid, it was about 15 miles
we had to encounter this Wild and
romantick sen scene which with all
the Industry we could use cost us six
hours hard Traveling, the whole
way was one continued Mountains
one after another, perhaps half or more
of a Mile up, and almost immedi-
-ately as far down, generally so steep
[Page 59] that it was with the greatest dif-
-ficulty our horses kept their feet
and I found myself frequently un-
-der the necessity of taking hold of
my horses tail to help me up, ma-
-ny of these Mountains where so load-
-ed with spruce and hemlock that
at noon day, tho a bright sun and
the ground covered with snow, it
looked like twilight to look up the
North side of them, and in many
places there were such a number
of tress blown across the path
that it was with the greatest diffi-
-culty we got round or over some
of them, and in some other places tho high
up on the mountains, we were
nearly to the horses bellies in Mud and Ice
and for 18 miles in this Wild roman-
-tick scene not so much as one Cabin
was to be found, nor I suppose ever will tho it abounded with
Deer, Bear, and Wolf Tracks, with other Wild Beasts we got
to Bath with great industry in the
[Page 60] dusk of the Evening weary,
Could, and hungry, but lighting at
the foremost Tavern, could get
no hay for our Horses, which upon
enquiry was the situation of the
other Public Houses, in [?] town tho the Capital of Subend County we therefore
were under the Necessity of Riding
Six Miles further to Mud Creek 32m

1st day the 19 still continued cold and
snowed betimes all day, went to
the Post 12 m where we got our Break-
-fast thence up the waters of the Sus-
-quehanna to the Widow Lindsly’s
where we intended to have taken up
our Quarters, but they had no Oates,
very little corn, and but poor hay,
we therefore proceeded 5 miles
further up the Tyoga to Salsbury’s
tho but poor accommodations, yet
they were very kind, in this days travel
we have seen 4 deer near
by and a Multitude of their tracks
[Page 61] we have Crossed four Large Streams
of the Susquehanna in 14 miles each of them
we Judged as large again as Bran-
-dywine they were all of them more
than Belly deep, and we felt truly
thankful Considering the great
fall of Rain that we are safely
over them 29 miles ---

here we met with two travelers
that who had Just come from the Block-
, they informed us the Road
there was so bad that it cost them two
days ⟨hard⟩ traveling, which and that we
could not reach there it in one day tho
but 35 miles, this information was ve-
-ry discouraging, for their was no stage
or house short of 23 miles of sd. Blockhouse yet upon
considering the circumstances we
concluded to make a trial of going
through in one day, and if we failed
to lye in the Woods, Cold and Snowy as
it was
[Page 62] 2nd day the 20 Started Just as day ap-
-peared, a Cold frozen Morning.
We wanted a loaf of bread to make
use of provided
not knowing but we should
have to lie on the Woods, were desirous to be provided with some bread we tried our
Landlord, and nearly every house
we came by for ten Miles, but
they unanimously informed us
they had no Bread baked, by them,
we Stoped at Lambs 10 miles the Last house
but one, in that settlement fed our horses and got our
Breakfast, and then with Industry
reached the Blockhouse by sunset
our living of Late has been poor, both
for ourselves and horses, this is the
second night out of four that they
have had to do without hay, and we have
had no wheat or Indian Bread for tw[o]
days, and when often to drink our
Tea Without Sugar, we could get no
milk this Evening, not so much
as to put a Little in our Coffee, nei-
[Page 63] -ther had we butter to eat with our
Buckwheat Cake, and our Vaneson was fryed without fat, and Last Evening
there was nothing on the Table but mu
Mush and Milk, this has been a trying
day to our horses, as I mentioned the
Morning was Cold and Frozen, and
our Road led up by the side of Ty-
-ago River, and which we had it to Crossed
eleven times to day and once yes-
-terday, in 25 miles frequently Belly deep and
sometimes deeper More in 25 miles and where
we crossed last it last, it was nearly as large as
Bandywine, I had like to have forgot to note
that after we had fed the second time
which was at petersons camp 15 miles, from the last stage
where there is no house, having to cleaning the snow
of the Grass to give our horses their Oates
which was trying to us thus to wait in as our Cold a Con-
-dition as we were in, to be thus in the Snow
and pertake of our little Morsall, I say
a few miles after this, when we were ente-
-ring on our discouraging road, we
met a poor distressed family, being
a Man and his Wife, and five small
Children, two of whom rode with the Mother
[Page 64] one with the Father on a large pack
of something, and who by themselves,
some of them were without Stockings Cold as
it was, to see that those in their distressed,
much helpless, and Cumbred condition,
had surmounted all the difficulties
as to badness of Road, &c that were before
us, we felt our hearts animated, to pursue our Journey and I
thought we had no cause in our well
provided state condition to entertain the least
discouragement, the family above noted
had lain in the Woods last night without
any Camp, the Ground five Inches deep
with snow, and the weather so Cold that
abundance of Ice was floating on the
Waters we had lately Crossed, and they would
have to encounter the same trials this
Night as they could reach no house.

3rd day the 21 set off as soon this Morning
as was safe, in hopes we should be able
to reach a friends House this Evening,
which was very desirable, the Morning
was Cloudy and very Cold, and we had a
rough high Country for 10 miles to travel
[Page 65] over, on which there were three two remarkable
eminences the first was so thickly enclosed
with Hemlock that it afforded very little
Prospect, beneath our feet, tho through some openings the top of the mountains around appeared the other was Just as you we be-
-gan to defend from off the Lawrel Hill.
This Prospect was truly grand, we appeared
to be above the tops of the Allegenies, which
rose up in a very romantick and wild
appearance, the View was very extensive
and these ellevations being white with snow appeared to be almost
without Timber, so that with the help of fan-
-cy they looked like improved Farms, hav-
-ing many places the appearance of square
Fields, with hedge rows, and divisions, but
I have no expectation that these inhospital
regions will ever be a the habitation of man for any
thing but for the Wild Beasts of the Forest and the
Fowls of the Air, fed at the foot[?] of the Laurel
hill 9 miles in the snow, there being no house, here our
Road led us down a beautiful Branch of the
Lycoming tho very much choaked with
drift wood, some of our company had the
curiosity to count how many times we
crossed it in eight miles, where it united
with the main branch, and the made it about
28 times, and the Lycoming itself we Crossed
[Page 66] perhaps ten times more, these waters make
a brake through what is called the Allegenies
and the vale in many places, particularly be-
fore we come to the main stream, is not more
than 8 or 10 pearches Wide and the Mountains
rise on each hand remarkably high & steep
so that our traveling was almost litterally
sneaking under the Hills and Mountains, fed at
Kyle’s 10 miles here we got our dinner, hav-
-ing Bear Meat and Veneson fryed up to
gether, Tea without sugar, with good Wheat
Bread & Butter, in nine Miles from hence
we finally left the Lycoming a beautiful
Stream, we thought about as large as two
of Brandywine, and in six Miles we
Crossed the Loyalsock a lovely stream, per-
-haps nearly as large as two of Lycomon
and got to Samual Wallice’s, weary, where
we were kindly, and Hospitablybelly enter-
-tained, and the Contrast was very great
was very great between our entertain-
ment here and what we have latterly
met with, our Beds ever since we came
from Asa Schoolies in Canada, have been
a small proportion of straw mostly on
[Page 67] of straw, except Boards instead of socking
Bottom, except when we lay in the Woods on
Bark, they mostly appeared dirty, uniformly
without any sheet over us, but in lieu thereof
a Rough Course Blanket, our meal has been
steadily fryed Veneson sometimes pretty good,
our Bread for 100 [?] miles, with some small
exceptions, has been indifferent Buckwhea[t]
cakes, our drink almost ever since we
left home has been water, Bohea Tea is
much used in Canada, which they drink
very strong, with or without Sugar, as their
store holds out, they have a great Plenty of
Sugar Maple, of which some of the Inhabi-
-tants make a sufficiency for themselves
but we found a number of them out, not
withstanding this was their situation, they
could lay the Teatable for their friends, &
sit down with as much composure as
if all were compleat, which I counted
a piece of Philosophy worth Labouring after

4th day the 22 a Northeast Wind, and a
Cold Wet morning, our horses, and our
selves being weary and wanted some rest
and being among friends here upon
[Page 68] upon Conferrence we thought we should
feel most easy to see friends in most of the
meetings on this side the Mountains, ex
-cept Oliver Paseton, who felt his mind
bound to get home to their Quarterly
Meeting, and James Langstaff, was free
to go with him for Company, we parted
with great nearness & heart felt Affecti-
-on, having traveled in much Brotherly
love, united in the same cause, Brethren
in Jeopardy, and Perils, both in the
Wilderness and among great Waters, &
now having got thus far safly through
and among our friends, our hearts
were enabled to bless the Lord for his
manifold favours, and under a Sense
thereof to bid each other farewell.

5th day the 23 a rainy wet day

at William Ellises, where we arrived
this Morning 3 miles

5th day the 23 a rainy, wet day, attend-
-ed Munsy Meeting, dined at William
2 miles, went to Fishing
[Page 69] Creek that evening, William and Wife
bearing us company, Lodged at Jacob
16 miles

6th 23 [sic] a Northwest Wind and pretty
clear, Went to Fishing Creek Meeting
2 ½ Miles, which was a comforting
refreshing Opportunity, and my soul
was enabled to Worship in secret
dined at John Eveses near the Meeting
house, and with industry got to Cate-
that Evening, having the
Susquehannah to Cross 15 mile, lod-
-ged at John Loyds where we were kindly
entertained, his Wife companion being a neat
house wife, both the our supper and
Bed evinced it

7 day the 24 [sic] attended the Monthly Meeting
at Catewissee
, which was a low exercising
time in the forepart, but life gradually
rose under the Ministry of J.L. till I
thought I had ever seldom experienced the like,
it was a memorable time, and ended
well, and the Business of the Monthly
[Page 70] Meeting was transacted in a good degree
of right order, there are a large num-
-ber of pretty exemplary concerned
friends belonging to this Meeting, I
believe there is no monthly Meeting
within the compass of our yearly Meet
-ing that takes in so large a scope of
Country as this, and the members
are still spreading wider, we
were informed there are upwards
of one hundred and Eighty families
within its Compass, and I fully be-
-lieve it will be right, and will conduce
to the promotion cause of Truth and righte-
-ousness for a division of the Month-
-ly Meeting to take place before long, also
for a preparative meeting to be established at
Fishing Creek, dined at John Loyd’s
and lodged at Charles Chapmans
2 miles

1st day the 26 a clear day and northWest
Wind, we had the Opportunity of
seeing three Wild Deer, out of the
friends Poarch where we lodged, they
[Page 71] passed very Quietly along, we also
saw another large Buck coming up the
road toward us, as we were riding to
roring Creek Meeting, which we at-
-tended,4 miles it was large, and I hope pro-
-fitable dined at Nathan Lees near the
Meeting house, and Lodged at Bezelleel
4miles he lives on the edge of
what is called the little Mountain, his
House is the last we came to in Roring
Creek Settlement

2nd day the 27 a Clear Cold Morning, soon after
we set off we ascended what is called the
little Mountain, of which to the Westward
there is a grand, and very extensive
prospect, we overlook all Roring
Creek Valley
, the Susquehannah down
as low as Northumberland, and over
the Tops of Munsy Mountains Quite
to the Allegenies, we were fully con-
-vinced when on the top of this Moun
-tain that we were in a Colder Re-
-gion, than when on the Plains, for
[Page 72] when we left Wiliam Ellises we pre-
-sently assended the Munsy Mountain
it was a Cold Northeast rain, but not
in the least Froze on the Trees until
we began to asscend this eminence
where the trees became more or less
Cloathed with Ice, and when we got
to its highest eminence sumit the young
Pines were as loaded that many
of their Tops were bent to the gro
ground, and when we desended into
the Valley the Ice on the Limbs was
not to be seen, but when we got
on the Top of this Mountain, which
was two days after, and both clear,
yet the twigs of the Trees were still
much covered with sleet, and the
snow much more deeper than in the Vales
we got to Michal Masyers[?] that even
-ing 34 miles, he keeps pretty good accom-
-modations, and the Cheapest by near one
half of any that we met with,
[Page 73] 3rd day the 28 a Clear Cold Morning
Schulkill nearly Covered with floating
Ice, went to Mordica Lees to Break-
-fast 15 miles were we were kindly
hospitabelly entertained Lodged here
15 miles

4th day the 29 attended the Monthly of
Maiden Creek
which was a time of refresh-
-ment to my Mind, lodged at Pennose Wily’s
1 ½ miles.

5th day the 30 set off early this Morning
homewards, a Clear Cold day, stoped to
see Francis Parvin who was very unwell
when we came to Schulkill it looked very
trying to ride it, by reason of its depth, and of the great
Quantity of Floating Ice that which covered the
surfice of the Stream and the depth of
the water
, we waited near half an hour
from the Boat, but the Ferryman after
considerable exertion failed geting
the boat it over by reason of the ice so that we had at last to encoun-
-ter the Frozen rugged stream, and through
mercy got safe [?] ⟨through⟩ my mind was
[Page 74] was much comforted, as I Rode home-
-wards this day, with Heavenly consolation good
ness, and on looking over our Jour-
-ney, felt thankful that I had given
up to the Service, and on now returning felt feeling
the sweet reward of Peace therefore fufil bow-
-ed my Mind into Contrition, and filled it with true
thankfulness for the present favour.
got to Isaac Coates a little within
Evening where we were received
with Open hearts 18 miles.

12mo 1st after a tendering opportu-
-nity this morning, wherein we had
to experience Ancient goodness
near and to acknowledge that we had
been helped through many difficul-
-ties and so far brought safely
back, had been made near and
dear to each other, under a fresh
and renewed sense of so great a
sorrow we bid each other farewell
[Page 75] and set of to our several habitations
where I arrived in the afternoon &
was Lovingly received by my Dear
Wife and Children whom I found
enjoying a good state of health, for
which favour, and my own preser-
-vation while out, I feel truly thank-
-ful, having been from home Just
Seven Weeks, and traveled by com-
-putation near one thousand miles.

[Page 80]

Appendix A

Big spring 8
Buttermilk fall 6
White Oak Plains 20
Through the Lo[?] 5
To Tonewanty 8
To the plains 6
To Stony Creek 28
To Buffaloe 12

Appendix B

[Page 81]

on Boards instead of Socking Bottom
except when we lay in the Woods on bark,
the mostly appeared dirty, uniformly with
out any Sheet on over us, but in its place
a rough Coarse Blanket, our meal has been
steadily fryed Veneson, sometimes pretty good
nor Bread for 100 or more Miles with some small
exception has been indifferent Buckwheat
cakes, our drink almost ever since we left
home, Water, Bohea Tea is much used in Canada and
which they drink very strong, they have plenty of sugar Ma-
-ple and make their own Sugar, tho in many
places were out, that our Tea was frequently drank
without, which was our situation in many
places Since
4th day the 22 a Northeast Wind and a Cold
Wet Morning, feeling our Minds drawn f
to do, we concluded to attend the Meetings
belonging to Catewissee Monthly Meeting
and our horses as well as ourselves wanting
rest we lay by to day, tomorrow being their
meeting at Munsy in Coarse, the, next day to be at Fising Creek
and 7 tho to attend their Monthly Meeting at

Appendix C

[Page 82]
Ex[?] Samuel Lee 4 . 6
do[?] James Langstaff 1: 10 . 0
do[?]:James Wilson 0. 6 . 8
do[?]: Oliver Paseton 1:17:6


Jacob Lindley at Pattes[?]

York Money 1: 2: 6
for 2 ½ Bushels of Corn 0. 13: 0
do 5 ferridges over Cherely[?] 0 .. .6. 0
do 18 Quarts of Corn and Buck-
0. 9 : 0
horses at some picking[?] 0 .2. 6
Lodging 0: 1 :0
at Buffalo 5 suppers and Lodging
horses at hay one night and 8 Quarts
of Corn
0 : 19: 6
Crossing Niagara River 4/each 1 : 0 : 0
For Oates at the River 0: 3: 0
4:16 :6
Jacob Lindly 4: 10: 5 ½

Settled all the above accounts

[Page 83]
Michal Mosyers 1 : 2 . 3
Geo: Raver[?] 16 quarts of oates 4: 0
1 pint of Cyder Royal 1 --
at James Kyles all night 1: 16 :4
James Langstaff paid L.1:10
16 [?] of Oates at the Blockhouse 0: 6 . 8
at Samuel Bartlets 1: 15 . 7
5:5 10


at Lindleys York money 0 14 . [?]
at the Painted Post for 4 sheaves
of Oates
0 . 2 . 0
at Mud Creek 1: 13 . 4
at Bath 19 quarts of Oates at 6 : 9 . 5
at Ephraim Sanfords hay and Oates 5: 0
at Thomas Lees 0: 8: 0
at Judge Potters all night 1: 2: 6
at Gilberts for ½ bushel of corn 0 : 2:6
at Canadarque ½ do: of oats 0. 3: 0
at Thayer’s ¼ of Corn 0.1.6
at the River for 2 Bushels of Corn 0 13: -
at 20 quarts of Oates at 4[?] 0 .6 .8
a hatched[?] 0 : 3:0
5 ferredges over Chengly River 0: 6: 0
at the river for Oates 0: 3: 0
[Page 84]
[?] 6 11 [?]
at Buffaloe all night 0: 19 :0
Crossing the Niagara River 1: 0: 0
8: 11: 0

Settled all the above accounts


an account of what money I have
received since we set our faces home-

11mo 10 of Oliver Paseton six dollars 2:30
of Jacob Lindley at the river 1: 0 [?]
of James Wilson for 1 ½ B of Corn 0:12
of Jacob Lindley at Tonewany 0:14
of Joseph Hill 1: 7: 7
of Jacob Lindley at Foxes 1:14:0
of do: at Williamsburgh 0: 15: 0
of James Langstaff 5 dollars 2: 0 0
of Jacobs Lindley at Mud Creek 1: 12. 0
of Do at the Post 0 : 18 :0


of James Wilson 0 . 7: 6
of Jacob Lindley 0: 10 . 0
of James Langstaff 1: 10: 9
of Oliver Paseton 0 : 15 : 0
[Page 85]

An account of what expenses we were
from Canada homewards

for 4 bushels of Oats at Ala Schooly’s 1:4: 0
gave his son for care of our horses 0 . 4. 0
the daughter for Washing 0 . 6. 0
at the river ½ a Bushel Oates 0 : 3: 0
5 ferridges across the river 1: 0 :0
at the Buffaloe 6 suppers at 2/6 0 . 15. 0
6 Breakfasts at 2/6 0. 15.0
6 Dinners … .at . . 2/6 0.15.0
6 Lodgings 2 nights at 6d 0. 6. 0
6 horses at hay at 6d 0 . 3 . 0
½ a Bushel of Corn 0 . 4. 0
1 ½ Bushels of Corn at 8/ 0 . 12 .
at Lanes 6 horses at hay 24 hours 0. 12. 0
at Lanes do: 0. 12. 0
still at Buffaloe 6 Breakfasts at 2/6 0.15.0
6 suppers at . … .2/6 0.15.0
6 Lodgings at 6d 0: 3: 0
5 pecks of Corn at 2/ . . . 0: 10: 0
to a poor family in distress 0: 16: 0
at Tonewany 6 ferridges at 6d 0: 3:0
5 pints of milk at 6d 0 .2 .6
Corn 3 strings 0 : 9 : 0
1 do: 0: 3: 0
At Wilbords for Corn and Stalks 0: 8: 0
[Page 86]
At Fox’s 5 suppers at 2/6 0. 12. 6
horses 2/6 0.12.6
1 Bushel of Corn 6/8 0. 6. 8
5 Lodgings . . . at 6d 0.2.6
at Williamsburg ½ Bushel of Oates 0: 5: 0
5 Breakfasts at 2/ar 0. 10: 0
at Samuel Faulkners, at Danville
5 horses all night at 2/6
32 Quarts of Corn and Oates at 4d[?] 0:10:8
5 suppers 2/ each 0: 10: 0
5 breakfasts 2/each 0:10: 0
2 beds 0. 2. 0
at Mr. Wharton 15 quarts of Oates at 0: 5: 0
at Mud Creek at Dalsons
5 horses at hay at 2/each
0: 10: 0
32 Quarts of Corn at 4d 0:10:0
5 suppers at 2/each 0:10:0
Lodging 0: 2: 0
at the Post one Bushel of Oates 0: 8:0
5 Breakfast 2/each 0:10:0


At Salsburys 5 horses at hay 0: 8 : 4
5 suppers at 9d bedings 3 each 0 : 5: 0
1 Bushel of Corn 0: 6: 0
29 quarts at 4 0:9:8
at Lambs 5 Breakfasts 0:10:0
[Page 87]

at the Blockhouse

5 suppers at 2/6 0. 12 [?]
36 Quarts of Oates at 5d 0. 15. 0
7 Sheaves of Straw 1: 9
Lodging 2. 6
at Kyles 5 dinners at 1/10 ½ each 0 . 9 : 4 ½
16 quarts of Oates at 3d 0: 4 : 0


3 ferridges over Susquehannah 0: 3: 0
9 quarts of Oates at Leadenburgh 2: 3
9 quarts of do: and 1 pint of Cyder 0: 2 :3
Royal at Geo: Ravers 0. 0 .9
At Michal Mosyes 1 Bushel of Oates 3. 9
5 horses at Hay 0 . 3 . 0
3 Suppers 3/9 Lodging 6d 0: 4: 3
one quart of Cyder 0: 0 : 5[?]
Joshua Sharpless . Date: 2014