Women and theProfessions

Latest update 10/1/95


Brumberg, Joan and Tomes, Nancy, "Women in the Professions: A Research Agenda for American Historians," Reviews in American History (1982) 275-96
The History of women and science, health, and technology : a bibliographic guide to the professions and the disciplines general editor, Phyllis Holman Weisbard ; associate editor, Rima D. Apple ; editor of the first edition, Susan E. Searing (2nd ed.; Madison, WI (Rm. 430 Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison 53706) : University of Wisconsin System, Women's Studies Librarian, 1993) [ S Cornell Ref Q130 .H57 1993


Antler, Joyce, The Educated Woman and Professionalization: The Struggle for a New Feminine Identity 1890-1920 (PhD Stoney Brook, 1977)
Astin, Helen S. The Woman Doctorate in America: Origins, Career, and Family (New York, 1969) [HD6095.A73]
Dexter, Elisabeth. Colonial Women of Affairs: Women in Business and the Professions in America before 1776 (Boston, 1931) [E195.D52.1972]
Epstein, Cynthia, Women's Place: Options and Limits of Professional Careers (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970).
Glazer, Penina Migdal, Unequal colleagues : the entrance of women into the professions,1890-1940 (New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c1987) [B Canaday HD6054.2.U6 G55 1986 ; H Magill HD6054.2.U6 G55 1987
Harris, Barbara Women and the Professions in American History (Westport: Greenwood, 1978)
McDonagh, Eileen L. "Profiles of Achievement: Women's Early Entry into the Professions," Sociological Inquiry 53 (Fall, 1987): 343-67.
Theodore, Athena ed. The Professional Woman (Cambridge, Mass., 1971)
Hummer, Patricia, The Decade of Elusive Promise: Professional Women in the United States 1920-1930 (Ann Arbor: UMI Press, 1979) [HD8038.U5]

Specific Professions (non-academic)

(a) Law

Morello, Karen Blair. The Invisible Bar: The Woman Lawyer in America 1638-present (New York: Random House, 1986)
Stricker, Frank, "Cookbooks and Law Books: The hidden History of Career Women in 20th Century America," Journal of Social History 10 (1976), 1-19.
Wallenstein, Peter, "These new and strange beings": women in the legal profession in Virginia, 1890-1990.," Virginia Magazine of History and Biography v. 101 (Apr. '93) :193-226

(b) Librarians

Brand, Barbara Elizabeth, The Influence of Higher Education on Sex Typing in Three Professions: 1870-1920 Librarianship, Social Work, and Public Health (PhD University of Washington 1978)
Garrison, Dee, Apostles of Culture: The Public Librarian 1876-1920 (1979)
Wiegand, Waynes A. The Politics of an Emerging Profession: The American Library Association 1876-1917 (Westport Conn, 1986)

(c) Medicine

Abram, Ruth J. ed. Send us a lady physician : women doctors in America, 1835-1920 (New York : Norton, c1985).
Apple, Rima D. (Rima Dombrow), Mothers and medicine : a social history of infant feeding, 1890-1950 (Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, 1987.
Donegan, Jane B. Women and Men Midwives: Medicine, Morality, and Misogyny in Early America (1978)
Drachman, Virginia. Hospital with a Heart (Ithaca: Cornell , 1984).
Ehrenreich, Barbara and English, Diedre. Complaints and Disorders (London, 1979).
Ehrenreich, Barbara, and English, Diedre, Witches, midwives, and nurses; a history of women healers. 2d ed.[Old Westbury, N.Y.] The Feminist Press, 1973]
Feldman, Jacquelin. "The Savant and Midwife," Impact of Science on Society 25 (1975): 125-36.
Kobin, Frances. "The American Midwife Controversy,. Bulletin of the History of Medicine July-August 1966.
Melosh, Barbara. 'The Physician's Hand': Work, Culture, and Conflict in American Nursing (Philadelphia: Temple, 1982).
Moldow, Gloria. Women Doctors in Gilded Age Washington (Urbana: University if Illinois 1987) [Cornell E692.M6.1987]
Morantz, R.M., "Feminism, Professionalism, and Germs," American Quarterly 34 (1982), 459-78.
Morantz, R.M., "The Lady and Her Physician, in Hartmann and Banner, Clio's Consciousness Raised (New York, 1974)
Morantz, R.M. and Zschoche, Sue "Professionalism, Feminism, and Gender Roles:. . .19th c. Medical Therapeutics," Journal of American History 67 (1980), 568-88
Morantz, R.M., Cynthia Stodola Pomerleau, and Carol Hansen Fenichel, eds.In her own words : oral histories of women physicians (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1982.
Morantz-Sanchez, Regina. Sympathy and Science (New York: Oxford, 1985)
Reverby, Susan M. Ordered to Care: The Dilemma of American Nursing 1850-1945 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987)
Rosenberg, Carroll-Smith and Charles, "The Female Animal: Medical and Biological Views of Women, Journal of American History 60 (1973), 332-



Written by Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Please send suggestions/corrections to rbannis1@swarthmore.edu