Labor History 1870s-1920.

Older titles plus skimming of titles in Labor, History, United WS. 7/21/94; rev. 12/29/95)


Brody, David, 1930- , Reconciling the old labor history and the new., " Pacific Historical Review v. 62 (Feb. '93) p. 1-18.

Brody, David. , The future of the labor movement in historical perspective," Dissent v. 41 (Winter '94) p. 57-66.

Lichtenstein, Nelson. ,"David Brody: heir to the Wisconsin School," Labor History v. 34 (Fall '93) p. 499-503

Filardo, Peter Meyer. , Labor history bibliography 1992," Labor History v. 35 (Winter '94) p. 106-15

Fink, Leon, 1948- , Culture's last stand? gender and the search for synthesis in American labor history," Labor History v. 34 (Spring/Summer '93) p. 178-89

Fitzpatrick, Ellen., Rethinking the intellectual origins of American labor history, " American Historical Review v. 96 (Apr. '91) p. 422-8

Friedman, Gerald, "Perspectives on American labor history [book review]", The Journal of Economic History v. 50 (Sept. '90) p. 761-2

Kimeldorf, Howard. , Historical studies of labor movements in the United States," Annual Review of Sociology v. 18 ('92) p. 495-517

Kimeldorf, Howard., Bringing unions back in (or Why we need a new old labor history)," Labor History v. 32 (Winter '91) p. 91-129

Lichtenstein, Nelson. , David Brody: heir to the Wisconsin School," Labor History v. 34 (Fall '93) p. 499-503

Swanson, Dorothy. , Annual bibliography on American labor history: 1990," Labor History v. 33 (Winter '92) p. 144-57

Wick, Dorothy (Swanson) , "Labor History annual bibliography on American history: 1991," Labor History v. 33 (Fall '92) p. 483-93


General (including work processes).

Braverman, Harry , Labor and Monopoly Capital (1974), chs.4, 5

Montgomery, David Worker's Control

Nelson, Daniel Managers and Workers (1975)

Einhorn, Robin L," Industrial relations in the progressive era: the United and Great Britain Social Service Review v. 58 (Mar. '84) p. 98-116[ Magill HV1 .S6 LIB HAS 18-44 1944-1970; [ B Canaday HV1 . LIB HAS 1- 1927-

Genovese, Frank C., Henry George and organized labor: the 19th century economist and social philosopher championed labor's cause, but used its candidacy for propaganda," The American Journal of Economics and Sociology v. 50 (Jan. '91)) p. 113-27

Organization (Unions)

Conell, Carol,"Formal organization and the fate of social movements: craft association and class alliance in the Knights of Labor," American Sociological Review v. 55 (Apr. '90) p. 255-69

Krause, Paul, 1951- , The life and times of "Beeswax" Taylor: origins and paradoxes of the Gilded-Age labor movement," Labor History v. 33 (Winter '92) p. 32-54

Mendel, Ron., Cooperative unionism and the development of job control in New York's printing trades, 1886-1898, "Labor History v. 32 (Summer '91) p. 354-75

Rosenbloom, Joshua L., One market or many? labor market integration in the late nineteenth-century United States,"The Journal of Economic History v. 50 (Mar. '90) p. 85-107

Singer, Alan., Communists and coal miners: rank-and-file organizing in the United Mine Workers of America during the 1920s., "Science & Society v. 55 (Summer '91) p. 132-57


Politics (and Labor Legislation)

Karson, Marc, American labor unions and politics, 1900-1918 (Boston : Beacon Press, [1965]) [ McCabe Honors Hist 132: Amer Political Hist

Tripp, Joseph F., 194, Law and social control: historians' views of Progressive-era labor legislation. Labor History v. 28 (Fall '87) p. 447-83



Child Labor


Derickson, Alan. , Making human junk: child labor as a health issue in the Progressive Era," American Journal of Public Health v. 82 (Sept. '92) p. 1280-90

Horan, Patrick M., Children's work and schooling in the late nineteenth-century family economy," American Sociological Review v. 56 (Oct. '91) p. 583-96

Scientific Managment

Daniel Nelson, "Scientific Management and Labor 1880-1915," Business History Review 48 (1974) [Binder: Secondary]

Strikes and Violence

Bailey, Gary L., The Commissioner of Labor's strikes & lockouts: a cautionary note," Labor History v. 32 (Summer '91) p. 432-40

Ramiriez, Bruno When Workers Fight: Politics of Industrial Relations 1898-1926 (1978)

WORKERS (community , Living Conditions)

Glickman, Lawrence. , Inventing the "American standard of living": gender, race and working-class identity, 1880-1925," Labor History v. 34 (Spring/Summer '93) p. 221-35



Written by Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Please send suggestions/corrections to