Economics 43: Public Policy
and The American Family


The American family has undergone tremendous change over the last century: family size has decreased, mothers of young children have entered the labor market in large numbers, the divorce rate and the rate of births to single mothers have risen, and relationships between generations within a family have grown more distant. This course will examine these and related changes and attempt to understand what their causes and effects are and the role that public policy plays in causing the changes or responding to them. This course may be counted toward concentrations in Public Policy and Women's Studies.

Course materials

Links to on-line resources used in lectures will go here, listed by date

On-line Resources 

Sources of tables, files, and graphs viewable on-line
On-line publications and on-line publication indices
Sources of downloadable data sets
Sources of international data

Return to the department of Economics
Return to the Concentration in Public Policy

Course related questions should be addressed to Professor Ellen Magenheim.