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The results of our experiment showed the expected eversion of adult imaginal discs due to exposure to the hormone ecdysone (Ward et al. 2003). Eversion was seen as early as 2 hours after ecdysone exposure, while eversion further progressed until 24 hours of ecdysone exposure. Some discs showed dramatic eversion while other discs failed to evert regardless of the ecdysone concentration. Concentration and eversion do not appear to be linked in a predictable response. These data might be explained by variance in responses of biological systems depending on the individual from which the imaginal disc was derived. Genetic make-up and age of Drosophila embryos contribute to unique eversion responses.

Two replications of this experiment were necessary for successful results. Concentrations of 1 mL, 2 mL, and 5 mL ecdysone in 2 mL solutions were used in the first experiment with identical incubation periods. However after 24 hours, the ecdysone solution was cloudy and no eversion of imaginal discs was observed. In the seocnd replication of the experiment, antibiotics were added to the ecdysone solution and a higher concentration range of ecdysone was used. It was important to use a range of concentration because the ecdysone solution might also become deactivated as it ages. This resulted in successful eversion of imaginal discs in a clear ecdysone solution after 24 hours.

This experiment could easily lead to future investigation of mechanisms related to imaginal disc eversion. Investigations of optimum concentration of ecdysone or an examination of the phases of eversion would be interesting additions to the knowledge about patterns of imaginal disc eversion derived from this experiment.

@Cebra-Thomas, 2000

Last Modified: 5 May 2004

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