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1. Ahlgren,S.C and Bronner-Fraser,M. (1999). Inhibition of Sonic hedgehog signalling in vivo results in craniofacial neural crest cell death. Curr. Bio. 9, 1304-1314.

2. Britto,J.M., Tannahill,D., and Keynes,R.J. (2000). Life,death and Sonic hedgehog. Bioessays. 22, 499-502.

3. Gilbert, Scott, F. Developmental Biology. 6th edition, Sunderland, Masshachusetts: Sinauer Assoc., Inc., 2000. 162-163, 385-386.

4. Incardona,J.P,Gaffield, W.,Kapur. R.P., and Roelink,H. (1998). The teratogeic Varatrumalkaloid cyclopamine inhibits Sonic hedgehog signal transduction. Development. 125, 3353-3362.

5. Oppenheim,R.Wet.al., (1999). Modulation of early but not later stages of programmed cell death in embryonic avian spinal cord by Sonic hedgehog. Mol. and Cellular Neuroscience. 13, 348-361.

6. Sanz-Ezquerro,J.J, and Tickle,C. (2000). Autoregulation of Shh expression and Shh induction of cell death suggests a mechanism for modulating polarising activity during chick limb development. Development. 127, 4811-4823.

©Cebra-Thomas, 2001

Last Modified: 3 May 2001

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