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1st Strand cDNA synthesis

1. Add chilled sterile dH2O to sample for cDNA synthesis to bring volume to 17 ul total. Microfuge briefly to ensure that all
of the sample is at the bottom of the tube. Heat in 70ºC water bath for 10 minutes. Immediately transfer to ice and chill
for 10 minutes.

2. Add 1 ul 0.25 M DTT
1 ul RNase inhibitor (RNasin)
5 ul 5X reaction buffer, mix sample with pipet tip.

Make sure that everything is at the bottom of the tube, and add 1 ul reverse transcriptase. Mix gently.

3. Incubate at 41ºC for 1 hour. Add 75 ul dH2O. Stop reaction by transferring tube to ice.
Store cDNA at -20ºC.

Basic PCRto test cDNA

1. Set up a reaction mix containing primers, dNTPs, buffer and Taq enzyme. We will use primers for the 'housekeeping' gene GAPDH.

F primer R primer 10X buffer dNTPs
Taq pol


For 1 50 ul rxn
31.5 ul
2 ul
2 ul
5 ul
4 ul
0.5 ul


45 ul

900 ul

2. Set up reactions; bring to 50 ul final volume by addition of dH20 or cDNA.
Use thin-walled PCR tubes.

@2004 Cebra-Thomas

Last Modified: 17 August 2004

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