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Foil Procedure:

The results of the study indicate that development in the axolotl is under regulative control. Figure 1 shows a control and bisected axolotl embryos. The insicision of this particular embryo shows the bisection of the heart morphogenetic field. The movies show the result of the bisection of the heart morphogenetic field. It is clear that the bisected embryo has two hearts.


Figure 1. The bisected heart field of an axolotl embryo after three days (A). The control embryo after three days (B) Bisected embyo

Figure 2. Movies of beating tissue. Both movies show a lateral view of the embryo. The movie on the left is the left lateral side and the movie on the right shows the right lateral side.

© Cebra-Thomas 2004

Last Modified: May 13 2004

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