Construction Update as of July 10, 2001



Period 21 August - 4 September 2001


There are no shutdowns scheduled during the next two weeks.  


Dupont--Temporary North Entrance
·  The entrance is open for use by faculty and staff.  There may be occasional use of the ramp by contractors to move large items in or out of the building.
· Handrails and slip-resistant strips will be added to the ramp during the upcoming week. 

Dupont--Lecture Hall
·  Demolition of the Lecture Hall is complete.  The exterior wall of the Physics wing is being sealed with temporary walls.

Dupont--Math Wing
·  Demolition will be completed by 8/24.  The remaining Math corridor is being sealed with a temporary wall.

Dupont--Physics Department Office, Classrooms and Temporary Restrooms
·  Construction of the Physics Department Office will be completed by 8/23.  Environmental Services will do a final cleaning of the space on 8/24 and occupants will move in on 8/24.

<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Classrooms 139, 142A and 142B have received sound attenuation and will be ready for the start of classes.  Classroom 133 will be restored following relocation of the Physics Office to its new location.
·  The temporary restrooms will be substantially complete and useable by 8/29.  Temporary toilet partitions will be installed and replaced when the permanent partitions are delivered in late September. 

Rugby Field Parking Lot

·  The rugby field parking lot is paved and open for use by faculty, staff, students and visitors.  Lighting will be installed over the next few days.  Please note the striped pedestrian pathways in the lot.  This temporary pathway will remain in effect until the road is moved and the new, permanent sidewalk is installed, probably late September or early October.  There is a connector between the new rugby field lot and the existing Dupont lot that allows vehicular traffic to continue behind Dupont. 

·  Stockpiling of topsoil and fill is ongoing. Construction of the swale is continuing.

North Quad
·  Installation of the construction fence on the North Quad is nearly complete. Opaque slats are being installed in the fence.   Fencing has been installed across the existing path to divert pedestrian traffic at the north end of Beardsley Hall.  Pedestrians will be directed alongside the Hicks Parking lot, across Whittier Place, and through the Rugby Field parking lot to Dupont.

Cornell Library
· The new rear entrance to the library is open.  The platform to the stairs leading from the rear of Cornell to the west end of Dupont will be opened by 8/27.  The temporary platforms at both Dupont and Cornell will be replaced in September with more permanent structures.  The switch will be timed to occur during hours of minimal use.
· Structural steel was installed in the second floor of Cornell to allow the removal of the canopy. The canopy demolition has started and will be complete by 8/31.  The ceiling inside will be restored, and the dust protection removed, by 8/28.
·  Removal of the roof shingles over the canopy was completed.  The material was asbestos-containing, so the decision was made to remove all of the shingles in this phase rather than wait to remove the balance of the shingles the next phase.  New shingles will be installed to serve until the rest of the roof is removed later in the project.


·  There will be intermittent disruptions to traffic flow on the service road north of Dupont during the next four weeks while utilities are placed underground.  Please contact Jan Semler or Mike Boyd in Facilities to coordinate any critical deliveries or services to ensure the road will be accessible.

·  Gates will be installed across Whittier Place just past the Rugby field parking lot.  The gates will be open during the day to allow construction traffic to enter the site.  The gates will be closed at night to prevent any vehicles from inadvertently entering the site.

·  The pathway between Martin and Cornell leading to the temporary entrance to the library will be impacted for 2-3 days to allow utilities to pass through.  The walkway will remain open through the use of plates or bridging.

The existing road alongside the Research Annex has been demolished and excavation will begin shortly for the installation of underground utilities.
·  Parking along Whittier Place is prohibited during the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Faculty and staff were advised that parking is at their own risk. The purple permit parking signs on Whittier Place have been removed and No Parking signs are being installed. 
· The stair tower exit door at the northwest corner of the Dupont Research Annex has been limited to emergency exit only, due to construction activities outside. Signs have been posted at all doors in the stair tower.
· The stair tower exit on the west side of Dupont has reopened.
· Parking at the Hicks lot has been restored. The construction fencing has been reduced to allow the balance of the work to continue.

· The Borough has approved eliminating parking at two spaces on Elm Avenue near the intersection with Whittier Place, to facilitate construction traffic. The existing street parking signs will be relocated. Borough enforcement of the restriction will begin approximately 13 September.


· Demolition work continues at Dupont. Sprayed water is being used to control dust generated by the work.
· A tire cleaning area (gravel) was installed as part of the paving of the rugby field parking lot.  This should reduce dirt tracking onto Whittier Place. 
· The pedestrian path from the Dupont parking lot to Whittier Place will be swept daily to reduce dust. 
· Demolition at the Math wing and Cornell canopy over the next two weeks will create noise and vibration in the immediate area.


·  Earth-moving and demolition equipment (backhoe, bulldozer, dump truck, etc.) is on site. 

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last updated 8/24/01
