Course Information


Course Title: 

Engineering 5,  Engineering Methodology


Carr Everbach
Hicks 217
x8079         (610) 328-8079

Meeting Time:  

Tuesdays, 11:20 am -12:35 pm

Meeting Place:  

Hicks 312 (Mural Room)


Thursday at 11:20, 1:15 or 2:40
Check with schedule and lab groups

Engineering 5 is a half-credit course for those interested in engineering, presenting techniques, and tools that engineers use to define, analyze, solve, and report on technical problems and an introduction to department facilities. Designed for students who are potential majors as well as those interested only in an introduction to engineering. Although Engineering 5 is not required of prospective engineering majors, it is strongly recommended.

Your evaluation for this course will be based upon the (approximately) weekly assignments and laboratory exercises.