"Kinesis de la imagen", obra digital del pintor puertorriqueño Rafael Rivera Rosa, nacido en 1942.




This is a fast-moving, intensive course, the second of two semesters, designed to improve your proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading and writing the Spanish language, as you learn about the cultures of Spain and Latin America. Credit for Spanish 1B is granted only when Spanish 2B is succesfully completed. The course has three components:

1. Grammar presentation. Two sessions per week will give you an opportunity to know the structure of the language and put the grammar into context.

2. Drill. Three sessions per week in small groups allow you to interact with your classmates in Spanish, letting you internalize grammatical patterns in the context of the rich cultures of Spain and Latin America.

3. Video, audio, web site and Language Resource Center (LRC).
  • The video ¿Cómo se dice...? will be used in classroom. You can replay the segment ("Así somos" or " Panorama hispánico") in the Language Resource Center (LRC), Kohlberg 326, any time you wish.

  • During some weeks we will be watching movies outside the classroom. The scheduled viewing times are on Mondays and Thursdays at 7:30 in Kohlberg 328 as indicated in the syllabus.  If you cannot see the movies during the scheduled viewing times, you are responsible for seeing them on your own time in the LRC before the day that they will be discussed in class.

  • There are audiocassettes keyed to each lesson in the LRC. You may do the laboratory exercises in your Workbook any time that you think they might be useful. Although the laboratory exercises are not a course requirement, they are highly recommended. Some students may be asked to complete them if they need additional practice in pronuntiation and/or listening comprehension
  • You have a cassette that comes with your textbook. You can use it at your convenience, as you do homework and prepare your lessons. Oral exercises correspond to the sections on pronunciation in your textbook, and there is an audio icon on the page to indicate that you can look for that section on your cassette.
  • The CD-Rom that accompanies ¿Cómo se dice...? will give you an opportunity to engage in interactive exercises on your own. Self-tests are included in the exercises. If you don't have it, it is available at the language lab (LRC).


  • The Dictado exercises have to be done in the LRC. In addition, there is a link in this syllabus to exercises prepared especially for you. Also, there are two standard grammar programs on all the computers in the LRC: Spanish Grammar I and Spanish Grammar II. They have self-correcting exercises for all of the grammar topics covered during the semester.

  • There is also a web site: htpp://college.hmco.com, (select Spanish) for students to search activities related to the content of the lessons in the textbook. There is a self-test after each lesson as an additional tool to check your progress. Many links to Spanish sites, maps and other authentic materials will help you to prepare assignments and get familiarized with the Hispanic world.

4. Class participation. This course requires your active participation as a speaker.




Pintura de la Serie Primavera, del pintor dominicano Carlos Hinojosa.