Railroads and Railroad Regulation


Railroad Regulation


Baker, R.S. ,"Railroads on Trial," McClure's 26-27 (Nov. 1905-June 1906) [microfilm]


Berman, David R., "State legislators and their constituents: regulating Arizona railroads in the progressive era, "Social Science Quarterly 71 (Dec. '90) :812-23

Caine, S.P. The Myth of Progressive Reform: Railroad Regulation in Wisconsin 1903-10 (1970); also "Why Railroads Supported Regulation," Business History Review 44 (1970), 175-89.

Carson, Robert B., "Railroads and Regulation Revisited," Historian 34 (1972), 437-46.

Doezma, William R., "Railroad Management and the Interplay of Federal and State Legislation 1885-1916," Business History Review 50 (1976), 153-78.

Harbeson, J., "Railroads and Regulation," [comment on Kolko], Journal of Economic History 27 (June 1967), 230-42

Kerr, K. Austin, America Railroad Politics 1914-1920 (1968)

Kolko, G., Railroads and Regulation

Martin, Albro, Enterprise Denied: Origins of the Decline of American Railroads 1897-1917; also "The Troubled Subject of Railroad Legislation in the Gilded Age," Journal of American History 61 (1974), 339-71.

Purcell, Edward, "Ideas and Interests: Businesmen and the I.C.C.," Journal of American History, 54 (9167), 561-78.

Vector, Richard, "Businesmen and the Railroad Rate Controversey of 1905," Journal of American History 64 (1977), 47-66.



Written by Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Please send suggestions/corrections to rbannis1@swarthmore.edu